char futur 4

char futur 4

Play like a glass canon. But the player will have a BAD performance if he doesnt use it right. Press question mark to learn the rest of the keyboard shortcuts August 24, 2020 by iFacePalm You can't clip people up close, but you can do work at mid-long range better.This tank has worse gun handling but better aim time than bourrasque. Once your account is created, you'll be logged-in to this account.When you login first time using a Social Login button, we collect your account public profile information shared by Social Login provider, based on your privacy settings. LTにこいつが随伴してるのか?40秒リロード終わってるか判んない状態で? Normally, with tanks with a 2-3 second inter-shell reload I'd say GLD, but considering this tank has a 4s reload the vents might be more plausible.You have *some* armour, but don't rely on it. 2020-05-27 (水) 19:15:43. Höchstwahrscheinlich wird er einer der Belohnungspanzer des … Question. The only time the armour might be useful is in mitigating HE damage and trollbounces when dueling.4s intraclip reload is longer than you think.

I have 12 tokens that I can spend on a frontline reward vehicle, but I can't decide whether I want the AE or the Char Futur. Tag: Char Futur 4. He does 700 dmg all battle while I did 5k.Im not an unicum, but my opinion is, if you are average and below as a player, dont get this tank. Char Futur 4: the Musketeer of the Expedition - posted in Announcements: PlasticGangsta, on 23 May 2020 - 06:44 PM, said: I wish we had a way to quickly access shell velocities in the client.

I took optics, but other 2 slots unfilled. By Harkonnen 12th February 2020. We also get your email address to automatically create an account for you in our website.

I m a mediocre player and after 35 battles I have little over 2k damagePlayed 1 battle. I think this tank is not for everybody. The tank receives a general stats rundown and opinion analysis before starting off with the replays. SOFILEIN.

Char Futur 4 because it's a mix beetwen Leopard and BC 25t. Es hat sich nicht viel geändert am Char Futur 4, sein HP-Pool wurde geändert und sein Name, Früher war er als Projet 4-1 im Supertest nun heißt er Char Futur 4. All things related to Char Futur 4. Repairs can be chosen 1st if you know you're a very agressive player and you rarely rely on camo. I will not use vents.My reasoning is this. World of Tanks: Frontline Is Back! You'll want optics because of the piss-poor 380m view range, vertstabs, and finally a choice between GLD or vents. By Harkonnen 14th February 2020. I just got it from frontline, but I dont want to play it yet...What crew skills to put in it? Vents is better if you pre-aim because your fully aimed shot will be more accurate and when you move out of cover to fire the improved moving dispersion will help.World of Tanks is a PvP MMO game created by international game developer Wargaming. Continue Reading. World of Tanks. He then camps again and again when we needed his help attacking. The tank receives a general stats rundown and opinion analysis before starting off with the replays. We're Redditors with a passion for gaming, tanks, and everything in between! Its not OP, its not bad. This tank doesnt benefit that much from vents because it isnt a single shot tank. Featured Streamer. August 26, 2020 by EVO WoT Replays Intraclip gives you time to fully aim your shots.I Love my Char Futur 4, very nice tank to play. This is a subreddit where we share WoT news, strategy tips, tank choices, and opinions. August 17, 2020 by ДимДимыч All things related to Char Futur 4. Got the thing yesterday, already averaging 3400 xD bia/6th/camo/situational/recon at a minimum, plus gun handling skills, everything else your discretion.The tank is basically a bc25t, but instead of the 5x390 autoloader with derpy gun handling, you get 4 shells over the same time period with greater accuracy. Gun handling skills because French gun handling sucks.For equipment: Spall liner, torsion bars, and spare parts kit. It's a autoloader sniper with very good, accurate gun and excellent mobility. Getting a great crew from another 3-crew frenchie like 25t or Bourr is nice, since they have identical crew layouts.BIA first, then camo, then either repairs or gun handling skills. Come join the conversation!Press J to jump to the feed. August 24, 2020 by iFacePalm Skill4ltu takes us through 3 game play replays before he sums up his final opinion of this new vehicle. Repairs, armored, preventine mantenience, off road driving and clutch breaking are interesting too.For playstyle if you already have a batchata or any french autoloader you got it.I use Optics, Vents and Vstab. Don't sit there and wait, but go back into cover or wiggle.There is no shame in being super careful early game when playing frenchies, but you'll get some flak for it every now and then.Another thing I want to add. This because you have speed and relatively good camo value, you'll want to sit back early-game and exploit those traits. Bourrasqueの方が数倍は脅威に感じるけどChar Futur 4の皆さんはどこでスコア稼いでる?対面するものとしてどう戦うのか参考にさせてもらいたい。 -- GSOR乗り? People complain about 4s interclip but I assure you that soon there will be people that will cry about this tank being overpowered because most of …

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char futur 4 2020