Ava witnessed Sara joining forces with Damien and confronted her, in which Sara told her that she couldn't control the Death Totem, but he could.
Le 17 août 2017, Susie Abromeit obtient le rôle de la mère de Ray Palmer.
The Legends separated into two groups and Ava was in the group assigned to find the When the Legends found Clotho after those four months, she was in a history museum where Ava wondered about various displays, especially the lyrics to the Ava is very intelligent, incredibly ambitious, and always believes she is the most intelligent individual in the room. Sara told her Constantine was on his way out and quickly removed him from the apartment. Sara and Ava were working together when Rip Hunter and Wally West arrived onto the Waverider, Ava chastised Rip for making a fool out of Gary. She is killed with the other Legends except for Charlie who succeeds to escape to the Waverider. He is eventually discovered by the Time Bureau with one of its agents shooting him dead.
He is based on the DC Comics character of the same name. Sara wanted Ava to stay with her and help her. A second alternate iteration appears during the crossover event He is based on the DC Comics character Heat Wave, while the Chronos persona is based on the He is based on the DC Comics character of the same name.
He is based on the DC Comics character of the same name. Like her father, Lily is a scientist with an expertise in Gary Green (portrayed by Adam Tsekhman) is a Time Bureau agent and Ava Sharpe's subordinate. Znajdziecie tu informacje, newsy i napisy do waszych ulubionych seriali. He was supposed to cause misery, but he chose to see Nora instead. She believes the Because Sara is her second love (as Ava talks about going back to her exDC's Legends of Tomorrow Season 5 poster - The best addition to the teamTake your favorite fandoms with you and never miss a beat.
Behrad Tarazi (portrayed by Shayan Sobhian; main season 6; guest season 4, recurring season 5,) is Zari's younger brother who originally operated as a vigilante with a magical amulet before he was killed by A.R.G.U.S. The two conversed about Zari which led to the two flirting with one another.
Ava Sharpe; Sara Lance; Quentin Lance; Meeting the Parents; Summary “There’s Laurel the first time she met Sara.
Ava allowed Rip to return to the Time Bureau as an agent, unknown to Ava and the Legends, Rip had the file on Ava deleted by Gideon.After the Legends successfully gained possession of the Distraught over the break-up, Ava took some personal time and visited her ex-girlfriend, she returned to the Time Bureau to see Sara there with Ray and Gary, in which they told her that she was missing. Cieszycie się, że pozostaje dalej w serialu? The amulet was originally owned by her younger brother In season five, Zari became a trendsetter until Nate starts to remember her, so he and Behrad reluctantly bring her onto the He is based on the DC Comics character of the same name. He develops a mutual attraction to Mona Wu, who is kind to him, but still struggles with his innately aggressive nature. He is shocked to discover the alteration of his past and initially wants to restore the original timeline. We would like to show you a description here but the site won’t allow us. Sara ends up calling Ava and the two conversed laughing with each other.The day after, Ava and Sara are enjoying breakfast with one another in which Sara cheekily makes mention of Ava having worked up an appetite from the night before and bumps her with her butt. During the party, Ava and Sara retreated to Ava's apartment, where they made love and decided to spend the night together. When the Legends accidentally change the timeline at the end of season four, Behrad is never killed by A.R.G.U.S. Jes Macallan, née le 9 août 1982 à Sarasota, en Floride, est une actrice et mannequin américaine. His resurrection and displacements also create a loophole that would allow Sara Lance to fulfill her vendetta against him without changing the timeline's course. When Mallus forces' arrived, Ava teamed up with Sara to defeat the army along with the rest of the Legends and their friends, but when the forces revived due to their connection with Mallus, the Legends went to create the perfect warrior to battle Mallus, as Ava and the rest held off the army.
He was originally sent by the Triumvirate to torture Ray Palmer, but they started talking and became friends instead. The group decided to work together in which Ava decided to go to the Time Bureau, to get some help. Ava awoke with no memory of what happened and rediscovered the truth again, Ava started to panic but Sara calmed her down. Not trusting the Legends Ava send one of her agents, Ava received a distress signal from Gary in 2042 where a After Director Bennett sanctioned a large number of agents to assist Rip Hunter with an unusual anachronism in 1895, leading to their deaths, Ava received a message from Sara Lance, allowing her and Bennett to board the When learning of Martin Stein's death Ava contacted Sara to tell her she was messing up her current mission of solving the anachronism of the Vikings conquering the New World. Jessica Lee Liszewski (born August 9, 1982), better known as Jes Macallan, is an American actress. She and Sara parted ways on amicable terms.After returning to the Time Bureau, Ava asked for a meeting with Director Bennett and tried to see Rip in prison but found herself stonewalled. Sara then confessed her true feelings to Ava telling her that she loves her, but after the shocking revelation that she is the 12th clone of previous Ava's she told Sara she needed time to reflect on who she is and left the Waverider, leaving Sara sad and powerless.After Mallus is released from his prison, Ava received a message from the Waverider and picked up reinforcements in Jefferson "Jax" Jackson, Helen of Troy and Kuasa to help the Legends in the Wild West.
He is based on the DC Comics character of the same name and is the main antagonist of season two. Zari holds a magical amulet, which grants her air powers.
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