A farmer discovered him and knocked him out when Norman tried to attack him. He resided with her corpse as well as an imaginary figment of her named "Mother" in the house behind the motel.
He angrily told her that he was walking home, and she accepted this. Dr. Edwards explained that when children suffered trauma they tended to go into themselves and Norman would go into his "Mother" persona as a source of security. However, Norman was reluctant to leave Norma. Norma called him for dinner and he hid it between the mattress of his bed. However, Norman was furious and Romero made a huge mistake when he asked him if he thought that Norma deserved to have a man in her life. An upset Marion returned to the motel to pack and offered to pay for the lamp she broke. He let it run while he navigated the house, closing all the windows and vents except for the one under Norma's bed and returned to her room to fall asleep beside her. He was transported to hospital where he told his mother about his "dream" of killing Blaire Watson. Norman was put back in bed and when Emma left, Dylan lay down beside him and fell asleep. She then went to her room to change leaving her door open. Norma told him that if the investigation into his father's death was re-opened it would look bad if all of his taxidermy tools were found. Noticing that Madeleine looked like "her" she asked him if he was going to be "that guy".
Norma let him sleep in her bed but while she went out, he awoke to find himself locked in her room. She told him he blacked out and Norma asked her to stay with him while she went out. When she left, Norman saw his mother before him but he refused to listen to her, and ran off.
Norman and Cody encountered Gunner and Emma on a day out at the lake. Norman and Julian broke into Pineview's office where Norman called Dylan. He also urged Dylan to come clean to Norma and this caused Norma to storm out of the house.
Because of this, Norma decided to home school him.
Once she left, Norman repaired the lamp while "Mother" admonished him for letting Marion get away. He then forced Norman to get into the passenger's seat where Norman revealed himself to be "Mother", sneering at Romero. He then said that he knew she would be hurt and how everyone would leave her but he never would. During his therapy session, Norman completely lost it, going off about how Romero only married Norma for money and insurance and how he never liked him, wanting him out of the picture so that he could make a move on Norma. Later he attempted to leave the house, only to be stopped by a clearly jealous "Mother", who then dragged him down to the basement and showed him a dead male stuffed in the freezer. Upon entering, he called out to Norma but got no response. Norman went to Bradley's motel room with some food but found it empty and saw that she had left via the bathroom window. The season received positive reviews from television critics, a Norman had another session with Dr. Edwards and asked how to manage his blackouts. That evening during a trip to purchase a Christmas tree, Dylan noticed how Norman was reacting with Norma, who was angry about his visit to Romero, and was even more concerned when Norman apologized profusely to his mother in almost a psychotic way. James later called to the house to see Norman and to find out more about him.
On a hill behind the motel, there is the Bates family house. She tried to diffuse the situation by telling Norman that more than one person could love someone and he instantly blamed her for keeping him too close to her, only for her to cut him loose. Meanwhile, he took a gun and bullets from his mother's drawer. Later when Norma visited, their reunion did not go well as he was cold and distant, telling her he would never forgive her.
As Dylan lay on the floor, he saw Norman wrestling with no-one until he finally stopped and went to pick up the phone, dialing 911 and confessing that he had murdered Sam Loomis. Norma found him wandering in the woods with the gun and she was able to talk him out of killing himself. However, she thought he wasn't giving Norman a chance. He put on her dirt-covered coat and looked in the mirror, potentially realizing what he did and remembering his actions from when he wasn't himself.
He then saw Norman cough and awaken. I'm still alive". He phoned home, only for Romero to answer, but when he spoke to Norma he didn't let on that he knew they were married. As he was being taken to the police car, Dylan begged him not to say anything until he got him an attorney. He asked how long he would be there and was told it was for Dr. Edwards to decide. Four months passed since Blaire Watson's death. Going to investigate he found Norman dressed in Norma's nightgown preparing food. While all of this was happening, Norma called Romero, who again tried to persuade her that Norman being home wasn't the best thing for either of them. Norman accidentally pushed him down the stairs to their basement, breaking his neck and killing him. When Norma returned, she told them that they were going to see Caleb.
"They" ended up dumping the body down a well and got rid of Sam's car. Later when the coast was clear, she went downstairs and grabbed a pair of scissors. Later that evening, Norman emerged from the basement to find Caleb there and prevented his uncle from sitting next to Norma at the dinner table by sitting next to her himself.
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