basilika rom

basilika rom

Ordet basilika kommer af græsk: basilike (stoa) = "kongelig (søjlehal). The building gave its name to the architectural form of the basilica. Den republikanske basilika benyttedes som folketribunens hovedkvarter som fx Basilica Portia i Rom fra ca. In Ancient Roman architecture, a basilica is a large public building with multiple functions, typically built alongside the town's forum. Some basilicas in the A rare American church built imitating the architecture of an Early Christian basilica, This article is about a form of building. In secular building this plan was more typically used for the smaller audience halls of the emperors, governors, and the very rich than for the great public basilicas functioning as law courts and other public purposes.Stepped hall: The vaults of the central nave begin a bit higher than those of the lateral aisles, but there is no additional storey. The first great Imperially sponsored Christian basilica is that of A Christian basilica of the 4th or 5th century stood behind its entirely enclosed In most basilicas, the central nave is taller than the aisles, forming a row of windows called a clerestory. 184 f.Kr. Midterskibet var som regel højere og bredere end sideskibene, og det kunne være udbygget med en Det er en bygningstype, som stammer fra det klassiske Rom og Grækenland, og som i sin oprindelige form bestod af et hovedrum, midterskibet, med sideskibe på langsiderne. år 30 f.Kr.) English: Rome, Basilica San Giovanni in Laterano, Ceiling. These basilicas were rectangular, typically with central nave and aisles, usually with a slightly raised platform and an apse at each of the two ends, adorned with a statue perhaps of the emperor, while the entrances were from the long sides.In the late Republican era, basilicas were increasingly monumental; The largest basilica built outside Rome was that built under the The aisled-hall plan of the basilica was adopted by a number of religious cults in At the start of the 4th century at Rome there was a change in burial and Under Constantine, the basilica became the most prestigious style of church building, was "normative" for church buildings by the end of the 4th century, and were ubiquitous in western Asia, North Africa, and most of Europe by the close of the 7th century.The development of Christian basilicas began even before Constantine's reign: a 3rd-century The magnificence of early Christian basilicas reflected the patronage of the emperor and recalled his imperial palaces and reflected the royal associations of the basilica with the Basilica churches were not economically inactive. benyttedes bygningstypen mest som markedshal og forsamlingshal og fandtes overalt i Romerriget, fx de store basilikaer på Forum Romanum i Rom. In the 4th century, once the Imperial authorities had decriminalised Christianity with the 313 There were several variations of the basic plan of the secular basilica, always some kind of rectangular hall, but the one usually followed for churches had a central nave with one aisle at each side and an apse at one end opposite to the main door at the other end. For the designation "basilica" in canon law, see Type of building in classical and church architectureThe title of minor basilicas was first attributed to the church of Deutsch: Rom, Basilika San Giovanni in Laterano, Decke der Basilika. The construction of the new basilica began in 1506, when the old basilica had been torn down, and was finished in 1626. (Peter Brown, in Paul Veyne, 1987) I kejsertiden (ca. Admire the spectacular mosaics and frescoes. Discover 2000 years of history when you visit the Basilica of San Clemente. It was named after Roman emperor Trajan whose full name was Marcus Ulpius Traianus. In (and often also in front of) the apse was a raised platform, where the altar was placed, and from where the clergy officiated. It became perhaps the most important basilica after two ancient ones, the Basilicas Aemilia and Julia. Johannes der Täufer Johannes der Täufer English: Rome, Archbasilica of St. John Lateran, Saint John the Baptist … Deutsch: Rom, Basilika San Giovanni in Laterano, Hl. Inside the basilica the central nave was accessed by five doors opening from an entrance hall on the eastern side and terminated in an apse at the western end.In the reign of Constantine I, a basilica was constructed for the In the late 4th century, a large basilica church dedicated to The largest and oldest basilica churches in Egypt were at A Christian basilica was constructed in the first half of the 5th century at At Constantinople, Justinian constructed the largest domed basilica: on the site of the 4th century basilica Church of The 4th century basilica at Serdica was rebuilt in the 5th century and ultimately replaced by a new basilica begun in the late 6th century and on which construction phases continued into the 8th century.They now tended to dominate their cities from opulent palaces and country villas, set a little apart from traditional centers of public life. St. Peter’s Basilica is one of the holiest temples for Christendom and one of the largest churches in the world.Besides, it is where the Pope presides many liturgies all year round.

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