But the thing is that whatever IRR does, in the view of others, it is taken as representative for Lazio fans in general. Additionally, the Irriducibili have fierce rivalries with supporters who hold extreme left-wing political views. Zum Lazio-Heimspiel gegen Bologna soll am Samstag das Banner der Irriducibili aus der Curva Nord des Stadio Olimpico verschwinden. There is no difference, no objective explanation. Irriducibili Lazio betont in der eigenen Stellungnahme, dass es sich nicht um eine Auflösung oder Kapitulation vor den Behörden handele. Moreover, ultras Lazio also consider Napoli, Juventus, Milan, and Fiorentina as bitter rivals. No more drums were used but English chanting styles were adopted. It did not take long for the Irriducibili to rise to power in the Curva Nord. You also have the option to opt-out of these cookies. The incidents of racism, antisemitism, and the displays of fascist ideology have been countless at Lazio Rome games. Additionally, there are friendships in Europe with fans of Real Madrid, Levski Sofia, and Wisla Krakow. Listen to music from Irriducibili Lazio like Inno dei tifosi della Lazio, 02-Traccia Audio 02 & more. Irriducibili Lazio und Paolo Di Canio. We'll assume you're ok with this, but you can opt-out if you wish. The driving force behind this political spectacle is the Irriducibili. Lazio fans are surely not perfect, but we are not racists, fascists or sexists as the political agenda of many in the political ultras group of IRR. Alex is the founder and "captain" of Hooligan F.C. Der Anführer der Ultra-Gruppe "Irriducibili" des italienischen Traditionsvereins Lazio Rom ist am Mittwoch auf der Via Tuscolana im Parco degli Acquedotti in Rom erschossen worden. Die Ultragruppe Irriducibili von Lazio Rom hat die eigene Auflösung bekannt gegeben. He supports SK Rapid Wien.If you are interested in partering with Hooligan F.C., please contact us at We offer sponsored content and banner advertising opportunities.Necessary cookies are absolutely essential for the website to function properly. However, since their birth, several scenarios have resulted in a negative image of the association. By 1992, when the Eagles Supporters disbanded, the Irriducibili were the undisputed leaders of Lazio’s Curva Nord. He supports SK Rapid Wien.If you are interested in partering with Hooligan F.C., please contact us at We offer sponsored content and banner advertising opportunities.Necessary cookies are absolutely essential for the website to function properly. The Irriducibili use these platforms to spread their message and recruit new members. Moreover, ultras Lazio also consider Napoli, Juventus, Milan, and Fiorentina as bitter rivals. The Irriducibili banner first appeared on the stands during a home match against Padova in 1987. The Irriducibili Lazio is the most influential ultras group in the Curva Nord of S.S. Lazio Rome. Die Gruppe Irriducibili wurde vor 33 Jahren gegründet. The arrival of the Irriducibili. No Lazio ultra will go on the record to speak ill of the deceased. Currently, there are no signs that this will stop anytime soon. You also have the option to opt-out of these cookies. Out of these cookies, the cookies that are categorized as necessary are stored on your browser as they are essential for the working of basic functionalities of the website. The “Original Fans” brand was sold across town and de facto replaced Lazio’s official merchandise.
The media doesn’t even bother to tell anyone that the IRR is just a GROUP of Lazio fans. The incidents of racism, antisemitism, and the displays of fascist ideology have been countless at Lazio Rome games. Der ehemalige Kapitän von Lazio Rom, der italienische Spieler Paolo Di Canio, ist eingetragenes Mitglied der Irriducibili Lazio und bekundete u. a. bei einem Auftritt bei den MTV-Awards 2004 durch das Tragen eines T-Shirts seine Verbundenheit mit der Gruppierung.Unter anderem beim Stadtderby gegen AS Rom am 6. . € 40.643.346,60 i.v. During a Lazio-Padova match in 1987, a 10 meter long banner announced the arrival of a new Ultra group on the scene, Irriducibili Lazio formed by Antonio Grinta. The groups stood out from traditional Italian fans by adopting more of an English supporter style with more chanting and fewer drums. quickly began to grow to become one of the strongest and most influential football supporter groups in Europe. This website uses cookies to improve your experience while you navigate through the website. Founded in 1987, the Lazio Ultras – known as the Irriducibili (IRR) – quickly began to grow to become one of the strongest and most influential football supporter groups in Europe. In so many ways they stand against every form of ‘political correctness’, that it makes it even harder to feel positive it will ever change now that Matteo Salvini and the right-wing party Lega moves forward in Italy.
Oktober 1987 hing, dann durch eine Ultras Lazio-Fahne ersetzt.Das Irriducibili wird durch eine Ultras Lazio-Zaunfahne ersetzt.Diabolik war die Führungsfigur der Ultragruppe, die faschistisch ausgerichtet war. Additionally, there are friendships in Europe with fans of Real Madrid, Levski Sofia, and Wisla Krakow. Furthermore, the group operated and still operates several media platforms, including a radio show and an active YouTube channel. The Derby della Capitale is a true spectacle of mentalità ultras. Perhaps, the biggest incident took place at a derby in the 1998-99 season when Lazio ultras unveiled a 50-metre banner that read “Auschwitz is your town, the ovens are your houses.”First and foremost, the group ran a number of Lazio merchandising stores in Italy’s capital. The driving force behind this political spectacle is the Irriducibili. Additionally, the Irriducibili have fierce rivalries with supporters who hold extreme left-wing political views. However, one of the earliest actions that Lazio President Claudio Lotito took after he got in charge, was to reverse this spell of unwanted control and take back much of the Irriducibili’s benefits. It did not take long for the Irriducibili to rise to power in the Curva Nord. These cookies will be stored in your browser only with your consent. However, since their birth, several scenarios have resulted in a negative image of the association.