wot new balance tanks removed

wot new balance tanks removed

I don’t see the point, just leave them there.
A poisonous addition to the game and as bad as arty but no mention of it. This is stupid. For existing players, the following will happen:The main advantage will be the fact existing players can just buy any vehicle outright without the need to research them, and of course, It’s still unknow what will happen exactly with any vehicle of Tier VI and above. I name this patch “Armageddon”. Many low tier and some top tier vehicles like AMX 30B & 30 Prototype, Jagdpanther 2 and T-62A were removed … Thaine is long gone and what we got, was the when you understand that, everything else starts to make senseWhen you have a mess and diorganised things its simply to cut off or delete some mess. If you like my content, please consider donating. How many times do they adjust it until they accept its as good as its going to get.

If you don’t want to have to earn them later on, it would be wise to invest your time grinding these vehicles.While I can see what is tried to be achieved with these changes on the lower Tier levels, I’m not keen on having them implemented. Artillery is also an essential part of …

Get into the Sand Box, play it, let them know what you think and keep on top of it. Thats my thinkig. World of Tanks Sandbox New Balance has brought big changes to The simplification of tech trees it’s way to make the game easier to new players by giving them fewer choices and make focus on moving up to Tier V or Tier VI much quickly. If they dont move them back we will have more prem. Or the gold used to get free XP or to retrain/reskill the crew?Blueprints are no real compensation in case u already own the national tech tree / got what u wanted. it’s full of seal clubers in luchs, leopard, t67 and mathildas that stomp your face hard.i’m more concerned by what they did with the tier 6 or more tanks, it’s ok if they hand them out “for free” often (frontline, marathons, tank rewards, etc) but i feel like they will be rare and costlyi think this plan it complete and utter bull crap wargaming must be on crack to implement this in to the game if this goes live i’m done with it i will go find something else to spend my time on i have been playing since 2012 WOT has gone through a lot since then but this is getting really stupid nowCould some please tell those of WG to do someting with T54E1 , c’on we are in 2020 and still have only 2 shells and the pen for a tier 9 in this meta .. :O:O ..The hot question for me is what is going to replace the AMX 30 & AMX 30B?Looks like I need to get on it and pick up a Firefly.Nothing is going to replace these tanks. on World of Tanks Sandbox: Tech Tree Changes in More Detail And if they aren’t playing it, are they really going to start?Second, why remove vehicles above Tier VI, especially Tier X and a respective mini-branch? Tanks from Tiers I–V will be added to the separate “Collection vehicles” tab in the in-game shop. Artillery as an Essential Part of the World of Tanks Ecosystem. 40 thoughts on “ World of Tanks – The New Balance – All Removed Tanks, Tank Changes and New Tanks ” Finley Morris says: February 11, 2020 at 10:27 am The reality is that WG is using the ammo rework as an excuse to address blatant balance issues and tank problems.

The tanks being removed are the TOG II*, T14, FCM 36 Pak 40, and the Panther/M10. on World of Tanks Sandbox: Tech Tree Changes in More Detail Honestly I would rather see them revisit old maps that are out of circulation and, try revamping them then cutting up the tree.The big question is… When … have they specified a date yet?I left WoT 2 years ago n turned to WoWs instead … These planned changes just seems to justify my decision…So do i loose all my progression with t71 da? Even for people that want to get some of these, they will still be there for credit purchase anyway. The New Balance tests begin on February 10 and will last approximately 10 days. At least on the NA server these special bundles last for another 2 days.

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wot new balance tanks removed 2020