war thunder u boats

war thunder u boats

Forum > Questions and Answers board > Naval Forces and U-Boats Follow.

Because of how much time it takes you to down an enemy ship, stacking up as many ships as possible when mounting an attacking ensures that not only do you pose a greater threat to the enemy, they also have more targets to consider and take down. Researchable vehicles Premium vehicles; I Rank. And right after I watched Dun dun, dun dun, dun dun dun dun dun dun da dun! This is a subreddit for War Thunder, a cross platform vehicular combat MMO developed by Gaijin … Press J to jump to the feed. This is especially important when you’re in a fast boat like the US Elco PT 314, as you’ll often be the target of speculative torpedo fire, which can be much harder to spot because of the reduced visibility you have in such a small vessel.In Ground Forces you only really have to concern yourself with bullet and shell drop, which can be easily compensated for during mid-range firefights. Settings. Fullscreen. A FANDOM user 58 ft PT-3 . The game is based around combined arms battles on air, land, and sea with vehicles from the Spanish Civil War to today.Press J to jump to the feed. Unlike with tanks, you don’t have to hold your ship’s throttle down all the time to keep moving, and this is the same for reversing. Close • Posted by 1 hour ago. Log in sign up. So in an effort to help you find your sea legs we’ve created this beginner’s guide for War Thunder’s naval battles.So it turns out that vessels in War Thunder’s naval battles are nearly impossible to sink quickly. Oh, and his job. They can only be fragged in very specific circumstances, such as a direct hit from a heavy calibre cannon to a loaded torpedo tube.

There’s a lot more nuance to War Thunder’s vessels than first meets the eye – it’s not just about picking the quick one or the one with all the guns. Managing dwindling crew numbers and thus unmanned weapons is much, much more difficult when you don’t know what weapons are on your boat in the first place. Friend told me about the new U-boats. Press question mark to learn the rest of the keyboard shortcuts What about AA cannons?

War Thunder’s upcoming Knights of the Sea mode looks set to give naval warfare its proper place in the triumvirate of battlegrounds most commonly referred to as land, sea and air. Unlike Aviation and Ground Forces, in Knights of the Sea you almost never take your finger off the trigger.
share. For example, Germany’s formidable armoured barge boasts over 50 crew members, two quadruple mounted 20mm AA guns, two 88mm naval cannons, a pintle-mounted 37mm autocannon, a large calibre machine gun, and depth charges. Once you’ve got the hang of the distances and relative speeds you’ll find your armaments are much more effective. In such an immobile vessel, exposing your entire side makes you incredibly vulnerable to torpedo fire.Likewise, while only a couple of your guns will be able to fire if you’re facing an enemy head-on, you greatly reduce your exposure to returning fire. Since you’ll be looking to your sides for targets most of the time, running aground or ramming a fellow teammate is much easier and damaging than it is in Aviation or Ground Forces. It can be frustrating if you’ve managed to take an enemy boat by surprise but are unable to sink it before it can slink away behind cover, but it also means you get a second chance if the same thing happens to you. In War Thunder’s naval battles not only do you have to overcome significant bullet drop when engaging enemies from across the map, you also have to predict where your target will be when your shots get to them, even more so in naval battles where it’s rare that you or your foe are ever stationery.The gun calibres and bullet types are similar to what you might be used to from Ground Forces but most engagements take place over two kilometres of open water, so judging both bullet drop and horizontal lead simultaneously takes a lot of getting used to. This order was followed by another on 22nd September 1939 for an additional 24 boats, though this was later revised to 11 … 0 Kudos Naval Forces and U-Boats.

Of note were the two reloadable bomb racks on rails that rolled out the fuselage under the wing. 4 comments. If you can’t escape to cover or turn to save a weakened side or better utilise one of your cannons, you’re already as good as dead.Similarly combat roles matter more for ships than they do for tanks in Ground Forces. The Admiralty's expectation during WWII was that in a fight between a German U-boat (presumably a type vii) and a converted escort armed with a single 4" gun, the U-boat would win a gunnery duel - their doctrine instead relied on having multiple escorts shooting at the U-boat at once in order to have a reasonable chance of killing it.

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war thunder u boats 2020