swiss international school standorte

swiss international school standorte

“Echt kuh-l” is a school competition set up by the German Federal Ministry of Food and Agriculture aimed at involving students in questions about sustainability in farming and food production. Cheque – to be addressed to Swiss International School; Credit/Debit Card ; SISQ bank details: Bank Name: Qatar National Bank. An attractive school campus in the wonderful city of Basel – where three countries meet and multilingualism is an integral part of everyday life.A high-quality bilingual learning environment - embedded between lake, urban and rural areas - between Switzerland and the world.More room for bilingual education, more room for the future.Where architecture, education, people and languages come together and influence each other.Bilingualism experienced in a challenging triangle of international flair, national character and long tradition.School premises reminiscent of the industrial heyday – internationality in a trendy business area.A tailor-made learning environment from kindergarten through to secondary school and college.A charming school location between city and lake, joining tradition and modernity in a multitude of ways. Um unsere Website für Sie optimal zu gestalten und fortlaufend verbessern zu können, verwenden wir Cookies. All of our locations are easily accessible by public transport and the school buildings offer a pleasant environment conducive to learning. An attractive school campus in the centre of the Brazilian capital – right next to the beautiful city park Dona Sara Kubitschek. Our school buildings offer a pleasant environment conducive to learning, which is just as important to our students' academic success as our carefully developed educational concept. Bitte füllen Sie unten stehendes Formular aus und klicken Sie anschließend auf »Absenden«. Beneficiary: Swiss International School. Our teaching philosophy is non-ideological, but founded on clearly defined core values such as honesty, appreciation, personal responsibility and commitment. Ask a question about any aspect of our organization, from becoming an IB World School to accessing professional development. Weitere Informationen zu Cookies sowie zur ihrer Deaktivierung erhalten Sie in unserer

In Switzerland, we have schools in eight locations.

From kindergarten through to secondary and college level, more than 3.700 students from both local and internationally mobile families are educated in English and German. Bis dahin sind alle Interessentinnen und Interessenten dazu eingeladen, sich in den Newsletter-Verteiler der SIS Frankfurt aufnehmen zu lassen bzw. International bilingual school culture in the city of diversity. The Swiss International School in Qatar will build an international multilingual community where staff, teachers, parents and students come together to learn and grow.

Herzlich willkommen an der SIS Swiss International School. Further information about cookies and the option to change your settings are provided in our Privacy Policy.

School details incorrect? Between the 10th August and 14th of August 2020 students have been enjoying a variety of different activities from drumming lessons, arts and crafts and a sports day complete with certificates and medals.

Adresse. School Locations. The information on this page is pulled automatically from the IB information system (IBIS).

Internationale, bilinguale Schulkultur in der Stadt der Vielfalt.Frankfurts berühmtester Sohn Johann Wolfgang von Goethe hat einmal gesagt: „Wer fremde Sprachen nicht kennt, weiß nichts von seiner eigenen.“ Wir sind der Meinung, dass Goethe damit völlig Recht hat und möchten Ihren Kindern von Beginn an eine zweisprachige Umgebung bieten: In der Sprache Goethes und in der Weltsprache Englisch. Als private Tagesschule mit hohem Anspruch an echten, gelebten zweisprachigen Unterricht bieten wir alle Bildungsstufen vom Kindergarten bis zur Hochschulreife an – basierend auf unserem fundierten und einheitlichen Bildungskonzept.
SCHOOL ADDRESS: Dubai Healthcare City, Phase 2, Al Jaddaf, Dubai, … IBAN no: QA56 QNBA 0000 0000 0260 0514 88001. Swift Code: QNBAQAQA. Dear parents and students, A warm welcome to SIS Berlin. Re-Enrolment Pre-Payment SIS Frankfurt . Ask a question. Parents and children were greeted by principal Daniel Lauris, their teachers, Ms Auth and Mr Bennett, and teaching assistant Ms Schulze. We believe that the quality and drive of our teaching and support staff is essential to create a successful school delivering the …

International bilingual school culture in the city of diversity.A school with an active international community in the heart of Regensburg.A modern, international campus with a kindergarten, primary school and secondary school all under the same roof.This website uses cookies to improve and personalise content and the user experience on our website. Erfahren Sie mehr über EF Sprachaufenthalte! SIS is an International Baccalaureate (IB) World School.In addition to the Swiss bilingual Matura, our students can also complete the IB Diploma.With this dual qualification, they are ideally prepared for continuing their education at Swiss or international universities. Swiss International Scientific School in Dubai is open Sunday through Thursday from 8.00 am to 5.00 pm.
Die Deutsch-Schweizerische Internationale Schule (englisch German Swiss International School, GSIS; chinesisch 德瑞國際學校 / 德瑞国际学校, Pinyin Dé Ruì Guójì Xuéxiào, Jyutping Dak 1 Seoi 6 Gwok 3 zai 3 Hok 6 haau 6) ist eine 1969 gegründete internationale Schule in Hongkong.Die Schule orientiert sich an zwei Systemen.

Sie unterhält Schulen in Friedrichshafen, Ingolstadt, Kassel, Regensburg und Stuttgart-Fellbach. This platform is for …

We have six schools in Germany, and they all operate according to a shared educational concept. If any details are incorrect, a school's coordinator can update them using My School.. Update your details At the beginning of the school year, students and  teachers will have the opportunity to decorate their classrooms with teaching materials and self-made works of art.

Sprachreisen mit EF sind eine tolle Gelegenheit, eine Sprache zu lernen und eine fremde Kultur zu erleben.

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swiss international school standorte 2020