youtube academy

youtube academy

Whether you're just starting out or looking for ways to improve your channel, the Creator Academy can help with free online education about YouTube. Learn with the YouTube Creator Academy For the latest updates on how we’re addressing the coronavirus (COVID-19) situation, please visit , or subscribe here . We want to help labels, publishers, and other music partners make the most of YouTube’s large and diverse audience—to reach more fans and add revenue.

Plus, we’ll walk you through some important guidelines for being part of the YouTube community. Naučíme Vás ako. To complete this course: First, sign in, then finish the lessons at your own pace and pass the course exam with 75% to get your letter of completion. YouTube is an open platform.

Sledujte každú stredu nové video v YouTube kanáli VIDEO ACADEMY. We want to help labels, publishers and other music partners make the most of YouTube’s large and diverse audience – to reach more fans and add revenue. RCAP Academy is an outreach initiative of the RoboCup Asia-Pacific (RCAP) Confederation. Video Chapters, RPM, and Live Control Room | Creator Roundup Powered by … We’ll show you how to quickly set up your channel, upload videos, and align your branding. YouTube is the best place for fans around the world to discover and share music. Our values are based on four essential freedoms: freedom of expression, freedom of information, freedom of opportunity, and freedom to belong. We’ve designed this course in the Creator Academy for music content owners who have access to Content ID. At YouTube, we believe everyone deserves to have a voice, and the world is a better place when people listen, share, and build community through stories. We’ve designed this course in the Creator Academy for music content owners who have access to Content ID.

Rozšírte svoje posolstvo vďaka videu. First, sign in, then finish the lessons at your own pace and pass the course exam with 75% to get your letter of completion. Growing your audience - Creator Academy YouTube Enhance your channel’s search and discovery potential on YouTube using metadata, collaborations, captions and promotions. YouTube is the best place for fans around the world to discover and share music. Let’s get started!

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