The isolate was identified as Dunaliella sp. NickelProtective effect of Dunaliella sp., lipid extract rich in polyunsaturated fatty acids, on hepatic and renal toxicity induced by nickel in ratsAbstract Aims: The present study was undertaken to investigate the protective effect of lipid extract of Dunaliella sp. Dahmene Ines is on Facebook. on the basis of 18S rDNA analysis. Facebook offre à … The feather proteinA feather protein hydrolysate was effectively produced using the keratinolytic bacterium Bacillus...A feather protein hydrolysate was effectively produced using the keratinolytic bacterium Bacillus pumilus strain A1. Nitrogen and phosphorus depletions during 6 culture days resulted in Dunaliella sp. Ines Dahmen studies Vegetables, Plant extracts, and Nitrogen. to accumulate up to 95% of its lipids under form of saturated and monounsaturated triglycerides form and thereby being suitable for biodiesel production.The in vitro and in vivo antioxidant activities of feathers protein hydrolysate (FPH), produced b...The in vitro and in vivo antioxidant activities of feathers protein hydrolysate (FPH), produced by fermentation with the keratinolytic bacterium, Bacillus pumilus strain A1, were evaluated. lipid content increase up to 54 and 45% (dw) respectively. on the basis of 18S rDNA analysis. Join Facebook to connect with Ines Domen and others you may know. The antioxidant activities of FPH, evaluated using DNA nicking and ferrozine assays, ...A feather protein hydrolysate was effectively produced using the keratinolytic bacterium Bacillus...A feather protein hydrolysate was effectively produced using the keratinolytic bacterium Bacillus pumilus strain A1.
In fact, complete feather degradation was achieved in medium containing up to 50g/l of raw feathers.
Cultivation of 50g/l of feathers for two days, at 45°C and at initial pH of 10.0, resulted in maximum production of amino acids and peptides (42.4g/l). The isolate was identified as Dunaliella sp. تمت إضافة معلومات تعليم Ines على الملف الشخصي. Inscrivez-vous sur Facebook pour communiquer avec Ines Dahmen et d’autres personnes que vous pouvez connaître. The lipid GC-FID analysis showed that main fatty acids are Octadecanoic acid C18:0 48%, Hexadecatrienoic acid 16:3 40% and Octadecatrienoic acid 18:3 7.5%. To learn more, view our A feather protein hydrolysate was effectively produced using the keratinolytic bacterium Bacillus...A feather protein hydrolysate was effectively produced using the keratinolytic bacterium Bacillus pumilus strain A1. on the basis of 18S rDNA analysis. Ines Dahmen est sur Facebook. In fact, complete feather degradation was achieved in medium containing up to 50g/l of raw feathers. Join Facebook to connect with Dahmene Ines and others you may know. was composed of lipids 100 mg g(-1), proteins 435 mg g(-1), carbohydrates 300 mg g(-1), chlorophylls 38.8 mg g(-1), carotenes 18 mg g(-1) and polyphenols 83 mg g(-1). Semantic Scholar profile for Ines Dahmen-Ben Moussa, with 4 scientific research papers. Welcome @ STYLE has NO size!!! Under nitrogen starvation, Dunaliella sp. By using our site, you agree to our collection of information through the use of cookies. The dry weight of Dunaliella sp. In this framework, a green microalgae CTM 20032, was isolated from the coastal solar saltern at Sfax, Tunisia and was tested for its ability to accumulate lipid under autotrophic growth condition. The lipid GC-FID analysis showed that main fatty acids are Octadecanoic acid C18:0 48%, Hexadecatrienoic acid 16:3 40% and Octadecatrienoic acid 18:3 7.5%. lipid content increase up to 54 and 45% (dw) respectively. When the cells were grown in F/2-medium for seven days in the firstPhycoremediation potential, physiological, and biochemical response of Amphora subtropica and Dunaliella sp.
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