While Pak’s story began as a hunt for those who denied Vader the chance to raise his son, it has turned into an interesting investigation of the tragedy of Vader’s relationship. Zed-67 easily cracks the encryption and opens the file.
Ienco also does cool things with Vader’s lightsaber, showing how the weapons would react underwater, which seemingly boils the water around it, but also showing the sparks of energy as Vader turns the weapon on and off.
After arriving at the undersea grotto which contains the security footage needed for the next step, it’s revealed that it was a trap. Typho remembers a Jedi who helped to keep his queen and senator safe.
Published by Sabé has dedicated herself to finding the truth surrounding the death of her closest friend. Now they return to Naboo where a powerful new host of vengeful ghosts awaits them.
Not even the COVID-19 pandemic could stop the Dark Lord of the Sith from rampaging back to comic-book shelves.
The comic industry experienced quite a bit of delays over the last several months due to COVID-19, but on Wednesday the current Darth Vader Marvel series resumed, with issue #3 dropping.
Similarly, the submarine they use to travel to the grotto is functional but old.
Legacy is a messy thing.Joe Skonce was born, raised, and currently resides in Ohio, but has been exploring fantastical and imaginary worlds for as long as he can remember.
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Exclude Ratings General Audiences (1) Exclude Warnings Major Character Death (1) Exclude Categories Gen (1) Exclude Fandoms Star Wars Prequel Trilogy (1) Star Wars: Queen's Shadow - E. K. Johnson (1) While the redemption of Anakin Skywalker may be controversial for the fandom, this series and While the redemption of Anakin Skywalker may be controversial for the fandom, this series and I am just a guy who spends way to much time playing videos games, enjoys popcorn movies more than he should, owns too much nerdy memorabilia and has lots of opinions about all things pop culture. Unlike the Star Wars Legends continuity, we never see what happened with Padmé's family following the events of Revenge of the Sith.
The team is joined by Captain Typho, Padme’s chief of security, and Captain Tonra, a member of the Naboo Royal Security Forces, who are convinced by Sabe that despite Vader’s reputation, he’s willing to help them with their mission. The Lightsaber also helps with the lighting and coloring of scenes thanks to Neeraj Menon, creating an ominous red glow off of Vader’s helmet.
In the final confrontation, there’s a moment where Sabe demands to know if Vader killed Padme and Anakin, and Vader confirms it. Sabe is trying to find out who is responsible for the murder of her queen and get vengeance, Vader similarly is looking for vengeance for those who hid the fact that he has a son. Vader is trying to get more information about Padme, but it seems that Padme’s guard is trying to bait Vader with tidbits of information about his former life and his betrayal of the woman he loved, that at some point they found out the truth about who Vader truly is. The inclusion of Typho and Tonra gives Pak the opportunity to continue to build the importance of Padme, but also the heroic young Jedi who protected her on multiple occasions, Anakin Skywalker. But it also forces Vader to confront those who he used to call allies and who loved Padme as much as he did. Sorry, your blog cannot share posts by email. Zed-67 easily cracks the encryption and opens the file. Tonra retrieves the videos and hands it over to Zed-67.
Padme never forgot the sacrifice Shmi made to save her son and sent them to free her. Putting the majority of the issue on Naboo means that Pak can continue to make force Vader confront his memories of his past, the place where he and Padme fell in love. This is best showcased in the fight with the Colo Claw. Yet, because Vader was not in the suit for such a short period of time, and much of the evidence that Anakin had become Vader was controlled by Jedi, Pak makes it credible that people truly don’t know who the man behind the mask is.
As the issue progresses, we continue to hear stories of Anakin’s heroism and Padme’s magnanimity. That’s what makes the ending of the issue that much more impactful. These creatures are incredibly impressive and daunting, effectively tearing apart the old sub, but Ienco draws Vader slicing though the beast with ease, showing his strength. While the settings on Naboo aren’t quite ruins, it suggests that the planet, once a vibrant cultural destination, has lost quite a lot.
Vader was the one responsible for killing their queen, but also the Jedi who fought so valiantly for her.In a way, the ending of “Star Wars: Darth Vader” #3 is an investigation into the legacy of both Anakin and Padme. After doing their research, the team discovered that Mustafar, the planet where Padme died, was the domain of Vader. Just when you think you know all there is all you need to know about the battle Anakin Skywalker and Darth Vader, Pak gives more to appreciate. There are also some good moments of showing Vader’s strength. Naboo basically disappears after the events of the prequel trilogy, so it’s unclear what is responsible for the loss of the planet’s status, but it helps with the idea of Vader struggling with his past. The publisher's summary of the next issues have advertised that Darth Vader and Sabé will be coming back to Naboo to … Star Wars: Darth Vader # 3 raconte un voyage que nous ne nous attendions pas à voir, ... Ces deux chemins ont maintenant convergé vers Naboo, alors que Sabé, le capitaine Typho et le capitaine Tonra conduisent Vader vers un temple sous-marin de Gungan.