Later Simon is interrupted while playing pool by Mark Renton visiting him after 20 years, Simon jokingly asked what Mark has been up to for the past 20 years learning that Mark has Lived in Amsterdam and has gotten married. When Simon enters the room he threatens the blackmail target with pepper spray until he has left, After the target has left the hotel Veronika declares that she isn't going to help Simon blackmail anyone else and will return to her previous employer Doyle Whom Simon says is a Gangster, however Veronika states that in Doyle's Brothel nobody would ever hurt a girl there.
I also liked the setup, although I agree with another reviewer that there were plot holes. NO way does it deserve more than 4/10 at a stretch. some bias at work...... "heritic1949" rates this film 8/10, says "Very solid indie thriller..." which is rather a joke. Was this review helpful? The acting of the lead is sub-par and really annoying at times especially near the end, the movie starts verrry slowly and her boyfriend is a bit of an idiot...but if you can look past that, the story itself (although it's been done before and you'll see why) is solid and suspenseful. Nonetheless, i sat through this low budget movie with some expectation at least because of the movie plot and was hugely disappointed with the climax to the end.
WHY did the director waste almost a full minute as the camera watches the gal get out of her car and walk across the street to the door of the house where she's applying for a job? I never write a review until now... just because how horrible the story line is. 3 out of 5 found this helpful. 1 out of 2 found this helpful. A young mother turns to the internet desperate for help and advice when her young son mysteriously falls ill. Lucy (Skye McCole Bartusiak), a trainee dentist, lands a job of a lifetime as a babysitter for a very rich family who’s young son Jeremy is confined to his room due to a mysterious illness, she later discovers that his mother (Debbie Rochon), is keeping a deadly secret. For my is SICK BOY one of the best genre flicks that I see in a long time. Sick Boy is about as straightforward as a film can get but it's well constructed with good acting and though you roughly know what's coming throughout it's still satisfying to see how it plays out and who survives.
but this is a total waste of your precious time.
Was this review helpful? Still, I liked the lead actress and believed in her character...although some of her choices were bad. Was this review helpful? This girl snoops all over the house, uses the swimming pool without permission, steals the family's wine and forgets to bolt the door as she leaves.
Oh yes! NOT recommended.
The acting – especially the two leading lady's Skye McCole Bartusiak and horror legend Debbie Rochon – is absolute strong.
For my is SICK BOY one of the best genre flicks that I see in a long time. I also liked the slow build up of tension...and the kid was creepy. Was this review helpful? His only solace is found in the arms of an exotic dancer. There are moments you will be thinking "WHAT THE HELL IS WRONG WITH YOU?" They bring Donald home and Scott's father ...
Directed by James Tovell. Was this review helpful? Scenes of the movie which make you think, "I would not have done that" because they are so blatantly obvious as something not to do in a certain situation.
Directed by Michael Showalter. OK...I must admit that the movie's look and general feel are that of a 2nd year film school student's final exam project...Last time I saw camera work this shaky, it was Blair Witch, and they did it on purpose for effect...There was one scene where I literally felt like running to my medicine cabinet for some Dramamine...(Sea sickness was being induced.)
4 out of 7 found this helpful. 1 out of 3 found this helpful. 3 out of 6 found this helpful. We can't get enough of these LGBTQ+ powerhouse pairs.Want to share IMDb's rating on your own site? Was this review helpful? Often times it will be one person who writes and directs and produces the low budget script and this is one of those.
With Skye McCole Bartusiak, Marc Donato, Debbie Rochon, Cas Rooney. The ending is unsatisfactory, sadly; a better close would have lifted my rating a bit. And all this, in the first couple of days. Once again my suspicion is confirmed ~~ whenever I see a very high rating for a lousy movie, I suspect the "reviewer" must be very young, very inexperienced, or somehow connected with the movie, i.e. Having read the reviews of this movie, I wasn't overly thrilled to sit down and watch it, but still decided to give it the benefit of the doubt; as I am of the creed that what others might not like, I might like, and vice versa. Can't wait to see more from Cunningham, I think he will have a bright future as director. The final 20 minutes are a non stop heart beating tour the force with a surprise twist at the end. The settings and special effects are minimal but some of the scenes that create tension are really well done. The disappointment couldn't have been greater. Human race would have extinctthousands years ago if everyone was smart like her. He is played in both films by Johnny Lee Miller. 18 out of 29 found this helpful. Years after his release from jail, Sam Parsons is trying to rebuild his life with his wife Courtney and their young daughter Harper. 1 out of 3 found this helpful. 3 out of 6 found this helpful. I never write a review until now... just because how horrible the story line is.
3 out of 6 found this helpful.
Sick Boy Sick Boy is a horror film slashed down to the bare bones of a small cast, a basic plot that drives you straight to the gore with no diversions and an ending that suggests the horror is only just beginning. 16 out of 83 found this helpful.
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