eve online doomsday weapons

eve online doomsday weapons

The Caldari "Leviathan" titan mounts the "Oblivion" Doomsday Weapon, which does 37,500 kinetic damage, while the Amarr "Avatar" mounts the "Judgment" weapon, which does EM damage instead.

Notes: This weapon can only fire on ships that are capital-sized or larger. It operates on all targets within a fairly small radius but serves only to break their target lock, not to jam them for 20 seconds as do the normal ECM. By using reverse-engineered Sleeper technology and advances in focused magnetic fields, this weapon emits a beam of antimatter that is capable of obliterating an entire capital ship.

Both varieties do a combination of kinetic and thermal damage. - 2015-05-16 13:09:21 UTC -

- In game terms, this translates to blasters being very damaging weapons with a very short range.

Missiles also need to be balanced in this manner, their corresponding attribute is called explosion radius.

Reduces the targeting speed and range of the target, making it slower and more restricted in combat. Due to the immense stresses involved in the sustained shield pulse, the Rorqual must have an active target lock on an ore or ice asteroid when activating this module.

it could still hit a carrier that was to the side of it? Doomsday Devices are the most devastating weapons in the CCP originally designed these weapons as area effect devices capable of taking out large portions of opposing fleets. - In truth, the Amarr had not entirely cracked the problem of holding this particular form of pseudo-stable energy on a single point before the Gallente came up with a method of focusing the beam reliably. It should be noted that the radius does not reflect the actual size in space, but is in a scale of itself. The largest missiles are so slow that a fast frigate or interceptor can outrun them. Through one means or another the necessary acquisitions of data and exemplar technologies were made and the Minmatar developed an explosive energy variation of the ‘Reaper’ directed beam technology that the Amarr had first developed. Note: Activating this module triggers a massive capacitor disruption wave that impacts ships in the immediate vicinity of the Titan, friend or foe.

Larger ships can also counter smaller ships by webifying them, effectively holding them in place for easier tracking.

2015-05-16 13:05:24 UTC

There is an area-off-effect variation of ECM, called ECM burst. The corresponding attribute of missiles is called explosion velocity, and is pretty much self-explanatory. This article is a stub.

This is less damaging than blaster fire, but railguns have the best optimal ranges of any guns in the game, making them excellent choices for long-range combat. Other effects include increased mass, decreased velocity and decreased scan resolution.

+10% EM resistances - Main article: Capital Ships. To mitigate their sheer destructive potential, Doomsday Weapons have a cycle time of one hour. These crystals occupy very little cargo space and since only one is needed for each turret, pilots can carry around different types of crystals, enabling them to quickly switch and alter their range and damage depending on the situation.

-30% signature radius Science V. Energy Pulse Weapons V. Engineering II. See above section for more details. After firing, you will be immobile for thirty seconds and unable to dock, tether, cloak, or activate your jump drive for five minutes.While the Amarr Empire had first developed the ‘Reaper’ directed energy device, the Gallente were the first to modify the concept into a focused, static energy beam they called a ‘Lance’. Missiles, unlike guns, only do a single type of damage, dependent upon the type of missile purchased. Projectile weapons require no capacitor energy in order to fire, allowing for more extensive usage of other modules on a ship sporting these turrets, as well as effectively preventing enemies from disabling offensive capabilities through power draining or neutralizing.

Affected ships gain incredible shield resistances, but lose the ability to deal damage, cloak, warp, dock, tether, or jump.

This change made up for the switch that made Eve Online’s ultimate weapon single target devices.The first alliance to use these awesome weapons was the now defunct How to Run Games in Window Mode - e.g.

Explosion radius works in the same way, but since missiles can't miss, the damage of the missile is mitigated in a scale depending on how much bigger the explosion radius is, rather than affecting hit percentage. Blasters work by extracting the plasma from the hybrid round, holding it in a cyclotron, and firing it at the enemy. Turrets of different sizes also have a corresponding measurement of size called signature resolutions. For example, an ECM with a jam strength of 8 attempts to jam a ship with a sensor strength of 10, it has an 8/10 =0.8= 80% chance to succeed.

Hybrid ammunition consists of a metal round that contains an ionized plasma of some description - iron, uranium, tungsten, even antimatter.

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eve online doomsday weapons 2020