They want me to be a nurse, because they think this is the best job in the world. USAGov is the Official Guide to Government Information and Services But my parents think that this is a bad job, and didn't let me go to the designer program.
well wat im geting at i gess is fuck your parents seracly if they are sujesting not exepting u u should abandin them besides you can alwas remmember them see i left my family becuse if i beter my self i can beter them pasing an idea by creating a focal point your self we are more important then doctor i make art that will influence someone people hundreds of years from now they will cary youif your sad becus you cant make art thats how i felt when i was younger i choked my self to sleep evryday i never told that to anyone thats when i had to leave i left my ant drothers sister behind in puerto rico i was so safe there but no one even aloud me to have my oun drawings they just would throu them away i would hid them in a hole in thw chicken coop out back then , then i pland to go live with my mother wich i knew she was going to still go back in to drugs i left evryone i loved to become an artist pluse its not that bad if u can stand being alone for long time it gets beter im 21 now and i becom 500 times beter evry day u r not sad diprest nore crazy for wanting to kill your selff its your lack of expresing your self people like use ned to creat new ideas new lifes to speak to people for use if not wer alone an dead already so pleas dont die twice u can still fix wat you parent fucked up and killed pleas become who you r not just for you but life trees and the squerls thaamd for the squerls that falow peopl in the morning and the run up a tree lol even i you think its to late its not there were meany artist that were not artis the first hafe of there lifes like divinci he was an inventer balev me im not the only one that makes mony pluse if i can make it as an artist u can befenetly make it as a disiner thay make wayyyy more mony i know this one guy that works for sevral compinys like nike and he only went to art school 4 2 years lol if it wasent for wanting to become a cureator i would live in a barn and make art like a maneac balive me if u chose to become an artist it will help u feel alot betertalk to your techers and go to the neareast art school ask for help they will understand andkeep trieing they need to see your love for art ples do this set up meding with them to help you gid you to a beter portfolio balive me you ave lotts of things to explore in art i love it al with out it id be dead go to art galleries and meuseums ask peo'le for good art schools near you i think you should start makeing your oun wourld you can still be an artist one big thing draw like 500 times more and doble it evry month and i ashour u youll get all or most of school payed for make 100 fast draings of things in your room not mor then 5 min drawings detal is not importent its the idea of itbaleve me there are worst perents for inctence my mother sold moe to a drug lord for a 8 ball of crack i had to sell drugs for him it was my 9th grad it was bad i got away and lived with sevreal friends bad thing about that i have had so much probloms with finacal aid this year becus i have no gardiean i had nothing now i have a bag of close and a shit lode of art suplies lol i work as a cook ocasinaly but not this simester im only doing art since drugs finaly got my fother killed i have to make lots of art to expres my self i fell like a vesal full of lonlynes and eptynes u need to fill that up with love and pasion do wat is best 4 you not anyone elsaI am extreamly depressed my self.I also cut& burn.
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verb (used with object) to feel a need or a desire for; wish for: to want one's dinner; always wanting something new. I want to talk to you more.
to wish, need, crave, demand, or desire (often followed by an infinitive): I want to see you.
my parent wanted me to be a doctor well my ant did i dicited to move back tu usa to go to school here when i was 15 -14 i came here with my mother and lived with her un till i had to leav her and i lived at sevreal old friends of my older brother it was lucky there were some people that wernt even my family that realy hellped me become who i want to be im also an artis 3 year in fine arts school part is great i love to make art i makes me happy but im sooooooooo sad i want to kill my self if im not doing it but i cant do it all the time thanks to u ill right alot my tears are nearly dried now. I tried to talk to my grand mother about this problem, but she just didn't listen to me. But I am not sure how to die. Obtain a police report. She wants to be notified. The thought “I want to die,” usually comes up when people are in so much psychological pain that they feel they can no longer bear it. However, most companies do not allow you to change your username.
I tried to talk about it with my parents but they just didn't listen to me. Here is the link:Thank you very much for your support, Bella! Life is pointless for me. Ask a real person any government-related question for free.
It's not interesting and difficult for me!
My parents never understand me. I really need a help! Overview. I want to. I'm also going to give you a very compassionate website to look at. I don't have anybody in my family who can help me. If you need to change the username, we suggest you create a copy of your existing username and use the new username. So, I just don't know what to do... Now I just want to die. Double-click the Users icon. Learn how to register to vote and find the deadlines for voter registration in your state. And I've talk to my parents so much time! I really miss drawing! To cut my veins or to take too much drugs... Why I want to die?
I will post my drawings for sure! Every man that I have ever been with has abused me serisoly bad in all ways. Keep writing here and go ahead and rant - get your frustrations out but don't punish yourself. It's week five of my studying and I hate this program. You can register there or you may be able to register online, at the Department of Motor Vehicles, or using the National Mail Voter Registration Form.Your election office may send you a voter registration card listing your polling place. Locate my towed vehicle. Project Lifesaver.
I feel so much better. School mathematics and physics provide the tools we need, so we offer around 300 questions adapted from OCR A-level papers.
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