The TechLead YouTube channel is created by Patrick Shyu who is an Ex-Google/ex-Facebook Tech Lead, a multi-millionaire app entrepreneur, and a digital nomad.
It’s very hard to tell that in the beginning, but once you start gaining success, your audience will tell you.Continuing from the previous point, content creators need to adapt to the situation. The point is to find something authentic and unique in you. Being at top engineering positions, in companies like Facebook and Google, people are inclined to listen to what someone with such experience has to say.People see the nice clickbait “Ex-Facebook/Ex-Google” titles, but then they go watch the videos and get hooked because of the content.He seems very down to earth guy, who didn’t let money get to his head.
He’s the tech expert, who knows his ways around programming and software engineering. Report TOS violations. "Facebook's culture was described as "cult-like" by former employees who spoke with Shyu and Facebook did not respond to requests for comment.Got a confidential news tip? Data is a real-time snapshot *Data is delayed at least 15 minutes. Close. "It's funny that I'm generating more on YouTube than what I made as a tech lead at Google or as a staff software engineer at Facebook," he said.In the latest video this week, Shyu said Facebook employees have to constantly boast about their mundane accomplishments on Workplace, the company's internal social network, in order to get ahead.
TOP 28 Comments Microsoft veg momos. Press J to jump to the feed. Video. Shyu then proceeds to make fun of Facebook and criticize its culture, calling it a "popularity contest," where ideas and projects are driven by likes and comments instead of logic. The TechLead YouTube channel is created by Patrick Shyu who is an Ex-Google/ex-Facebook Tech Lead, a multi-millionaire app entrepreneur, and a digital nomad.If you haven’t seen any of his videos, I strongly recommend if you are interested in some of the following topics — The TechLead has quickly become one of my favorite YouTube channels, and I am now often watching the recommended videos that are popping up on my front page.This is not an unbiased article describing his life success with hard data, but rather telling my personal reasons to watch the channel and some things that I have found interesting and even useful.It is clear that having a great personal and professional success can transfer into great online fame.Many new young YouTubers want to quickly grow their channels and have millions of fans and viewers, but in 99% of the cases, they are deemed to fail.Then, it comes someone like Patrick Shyu who grows tremendously over a year, Perhaps, it has something to do with the successful career he’s had! Back to Google to become ex-FB ex-Google Google TechLead; He will focus on sustaining himself through his side hustle full-time; Wherever Joma is working ; Amazon; Microsoft; Netflix; Airbnb; Uber; VOTE VIEW RESULT. The point is to find something authentic and unique in you. However, there have been a few scathing reviews of the Surface Go, and an ex-Google tech lead has decided to chime in with his, two weeks into Surface Go’s public lifespan. I gotta say, dude is handling it all really well. He has a video about “why leetcode doesnt work”. Press question mark to learn the rest of the keyboard shortcuts . This is a remade POLITIC sub, old mods got corrupt. He talks a lot about money as of how much he makes per year, or from his first app, or how much he lost during day trading.The road to success on YouTube or other digital platforms is quality content and consistency.Some more things that can be pointed out from this case.Express yourself in the way you want it. SbSc11 Jan 1 25 Comments Bookmark; function; He got his ass called out by a 19 year old. Perhaps too much focus on career and not on family with a combination of not wanting to spend much on the familyPut a new option: he and Joma become a couple and retire in SFOne of the most subscribed (almost 500k) software engineers on YouTube that serves a different niche than the younger Gen Z "day in the life of a software engineer" types. He's held roles in full-stack web development and mobile engineering. Global Business and Financial News, Stock Quotes, and Market Data and Analysis.Mark Zuckerberg meets with senators on Capitol HillHere's how to see which apps have access to your Facebook data — and cut them off
The fast-track to success.
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