Stein, Jax and Mick all came from The Flash so a good portion of those upon the Waverider have already had interactions with Cisco.
Felicity was paired up with her Flash half, Cisco, as tech support and played a big role in this Legends episode.
Manchmal kann ein Crossover sogar mehrere Episoden umfassen. Apparently, they wanted a blood (red) sacrifice.
Aliens are good, however, when they're here to help.
This is getting to be a habit and not a welcome one. Which wouldn't surprise me, to be honest.
To me, that means he's still up to no good to come, and trusting him as they did by not turning him over to the Dominators was as much of a mistake as Cisco letting the 1951 Dominator free to eventually return to earth in 2016 to attack earth.
Épisode Suivant Legends of Tomorrow 2x08 Calendrier de diffusion des épisodes Calendrier de diffusion des saisons .
Nate and Amaya have fit since their first interactions with the team during
Première diffusion de l'épisode 7 de la saison 2 de Legends of Tomorrow le 01/12/2016 sur The CW.