war thunder premium

war thunder premium

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Fast Matters

FlashArray is the first all-flash, 100% NVMe shared accelerated storage designed for mainstream enterprise deployments.Work in a self-service environment to experience the management of a Pure FlashArray™//X.FlashBlade™ is the industry's most advanced storage for unstructured data, consolidating complex data silos to optimize infrastructure and accelerate tomorrow's discoveries and insights.Experience a self-service instance of Pure1® to manage Pure FlashBlade™.Run mission-critical apps seamlessly on-premises, with a service provider, and in the cloud with industrial-strength block, file, and object storage.New customers can get Pure as-a-Service free for the first three months with a 12-month contract term of 50TiB.Pure1® provides simple cloud-based management and effortless predictive support with full-stack analytics and the AI-driven power of Pure1 Meta™.Streamline your array administration and migration with granular location-based metadata.Purity Operating Environment delivers software-defined storage and flash management purpose-built to power Pure’s shared accelerated storage.Address mission-critical AND new cloud-native applications with a DirectFlash™ Fabric-enabled FlashArray//X.

Et Pure Storage n’est pas le seul à l’énoncer, comme en témoignent les rapports Gartner Magic Quadrant et IDC MarketScape.L’extrême simplicité de nos produits et notre volonté de satisfaire les clients nous valent un soutien sans faille.

Pure redefines fast with the lowest latency, highest bandwidth, and powerful performance.Pure bridges the cloud divide with industrial-strength block storage. Le cloud, partout

*Les champs notés d'une étoile sont obligatoires Remplissez le formulaire ci-dessous pour en savoir plus.La capacité à transformer votre entreprise dès aujourd’hui et à préparer l’avenir.

A modern data experience for applications helps unify your data so you can innovate fast — in the cloud and on premises.After transitioning SAP workloads to Pure Storage, seven enterprises reported an average annual net benefit.Data backup and disaster recovery are critically important – but with Purity ActiveCluster, we go much further.Pure delivers industry-leading availability while enabling comprehensive data protection across the enterprise.Pure enables businesses to design applications that take advantage of the agility and innovation of multiple clouds at the same time.Learn strategies and requirements when designing a successful cloud strategy.Big data is at the center of the AI revolution and your data demands a next-gen storage solution that can drive time-to-insight.Embrace data-driven analytics and demand a different approach to how data is stored and delivered.The Evergreen™ Storage experience is like SaaS and the cloud, but on-premises as it continuously delivers Pure innovations in software and hardware to you – without any disruption, downtime, or data migrations.Find out how investing in Pure Storage pays for itself, just in cost savings alone.

L’offre de Pure Storage, 100% Flash native, permet de s’affranchir des contraintes techniques des solutions de stockage hybrides.

Dont les performances et la valeur seraient garanties pendant au moins dix ans, sans que de nouveaux achats s’imposent tous les trois ans ?

Data Storage Software Consolidate with DirectFlash Fabric – And Speed Your Apps

Les solutions intégrées de Veeam® et Pure Storage répondent aux besoins actuels de protection des applications et des données grâce à des fonctionnalités de type cloud, disponibles en local, qui assurent un niveau élevé de protection des données et de continuité de l’activité.

Pure Storage® vous apporte la puissance et la fiabilité nécessaires pour résoudre les problèmes administratifs ou informatiques les plus épineux.Vous souhaitez évaluer une baie Pure Storage 100% flash ?Spécialiste dans l'IT depuis 1978, Darest est le partenaire idéal pour un service informatique performant.

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