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They will still eat Penetration damage but the regular occurrence of comedy like high tier USN BBs getting x2, x3, x4, x5 citadeled is an ultra rare event to happen on a German BB. Prev; 1; 2; Next; Page 1 of 2 . The best tier 10 destroyer. Most don't need a super strict gameplayYou 'just' want to know which perform better?

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They might not be the best, but I can easily do all jobs in them. [4HIM] For example, I love my Fuso, but some parts of the IJN line were miserable (Looking at YOU Myogi), whereas the entire KM line has been fun so far (through Bayern)For me, the USN line is the best of all worlds. [WOLF3] No British BB line yet not to mention Fre, Ita or Rus (?) Lest in unserem Guide, wie ihr die kleinen Flitzer am Besten einsetzt World of Warships: Aktuelle Videos, Guides und News Update vom 10.09.15: Alle Zerstörer sind von uns nun auf … Despite combining poor AA with the smallest guns and by far the worst armor of her tier, she's a hell of a fun ship that can put out some competitive numbers.

By eutank4, October 7, 2018 6 replies; 442 views; Tobnu; October 7, 2018

AW: [Sammelthread] World of Warships Woher willst du den wissen wie gut / schlecht ich spiele? Richelieu and/or Jean Bart should be well worth looking forward to, as they're basically scaled up versions of the same meta-friendly turret configuration, with none of the weaknesses.Not voting. Hallo allerseits, eine neue Partnerschaft in World of Warships.

Destroyers can counter anything providing they can get close enough. It's the German BBs I'd say are the best jack of all trades battleships.They do ok at long ranges and excel at short ranges of 10km or lower, since their secondaries absolutely demolish any other secondary outputs in the game.This goes hand in hand with being able to deal with some of the destroyers that might get too close and get shredded by a full secondary spec'd german BB. No other line can dispute that. I can snipe, brawl and have AA.

Only the most blind flag waving denies that.2. That's basically why this guide on World of Warships is so important, coz it gives you a perspective on nations and tech tree lines you probably haven’t played yet. WoWS Stats & Numbers - best online tool for stats browsing and progress tracking for World of Warships. No British BB line yet not to mention Fre, Ita or Rus (?)
[WOLF3] IJN BBs still rule that as they always have since launch. To master World of Warships you have to become an expert player on every class.

Aircraft from Japanese Tier VIII aircraft carrier Shokaku are not only faster and more durable, but are also grouped into larger squadrons.

Schnellzugriff. Destroyers are versatile ships which can use either their rapid fire guns to chip away at enemies or their torpedoes to cause devastating damage. Some of these tiers have one or two ships each, while the later ones have up to four. [4HIM]

August 3. - Seite Only the most blind flag waving denies that.2. Aber taugen träge Seeschlachten wirklich für die Mittagspause? You can make a mistake on a German BB and it will not end your game the way it does on other BB lines, especially high tier USN BBs.There is however one thing that German BBs aren't best at, and that is Gunnery. Stapellauf wird zwar erst im Oktober sein, allerdings erhalten Besucher der gamescom bereits die Möglichkeit einige der bekanntesten deutschen Kriegsschiffe schon deutlich vor dem Release exklusiv auszuprobieren, darunter die Dresden und die Bismarck. German Battleship have thick belts and turtlebacks making them far more forgiving than other BB lines.
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They might not be the best, but I can easily do all jobs in them.

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