erste folge ich bin ein star holt mich hier raus

erste folge ich bin ein star holt mich hier raus

Posts that only show container results (with the exception of unique super containers such as ship containers) or loot or battle results in the form of a World of Warships replay file, or a scorecard screenshot are not allowed. Think about it, there are no losers with this solution. You need to play a total of 50 battles to post in this section.

How many times does the community have to say no to cvs in cb!

Warriors’ Path Closures January 2020. The participating clans tried various tactics and lineups using all available ship classes, which had a good influence on the total number of participants, as well as their overall impressions.

T6 CBs with BB or CV?

In the future, we aim to conduct clan battles where all four main classes in our game will be presented, but before we return to Tier X, it will take some time to work both on the points described above and on general improvement for Clan Battles.

We thank everyone for your participation and feedback.

A and B are farther apart than B and C, which ordinarily would suggest a BC strategy. who in his right mind will pick a dd?

It was published 10 minutes ago: It hasn't been working since 30th of January 2019. Map & Directions. However, some classes, such as Warriors, typically rely on them more than others.This is especially true in Vanilla WoW.That’s why we’ve decided to make this ultimate WoW Classic Warrior macros guide for you!. The Rules. You would think you would maybe take some hints from any other tournament, like kots, where they have  not added Cvs. Starting in the center and the moving to a flank at 21 knots... just getting to a flank will take 20 minutes?

We will return with news closer to the beginning of the next season and tell you about the results of the implemented improvements and upcoming changesThank you for your attention, good battles, and see you next season, commanders! Weather seems to be another good idea to limit CV spotting. Overall, bravo WG, you guys seems to be on the right track. I haven't played enough battles on this map to get a good sense of what works best, though I'm pretty sure I've had more losses than wins. B has this weird quality where it's simultaneously way too open towards the outside and provides very poor firing angles. My team didn't have much presence at B, so the enemy team managed to make a strong push into the cap while holding us off at both A and C, finishing in a loss for us.

The other side of the team would be up by the mountains between B and C, preventing the push through C, and covering B. We'll watch the results of the Season closely and make decisions about the further development of this battle type based on our observations.Please note: during this Season, unlike the previous ones, . Of course, with random teams anything can and does happen, but that's the idealized strategy for this map. The dynamic of these battles came close to what we ultimately want to achieve: clans are not limited in their choice of setups, can choose any ships, and apply various tactics; and the basis for victory is a carefully planned strategy and team skills.Despite the results of battles in the Squall, Gale, and Storm leagues, no less important are the results in the Typhoon and Hurricane leagues—and they cannot boast the same results. [FAF] WoWS: Legends; Navigation. Starting in the center and the moving to a flank at 21 knots... just getting to a flank will take 20 minutes? Decreasing destroyers' detectability range by half will only make a meaningful difference if the notification that cv planes have been spotted gets removed. Specifically, I wanted to ask how others apply the …

Has anyone discovered anything new about Warrior's Path recently? A dd outside the cap, but at open side ready to torp and spot any ships once radar is down. [FAF] And please stick to the plan of not having different rulesets for random/ranked on one hand and clan battles on the other. And I'm so dam happy that the next season will be tier 6. The Natural Path is also home to the Warriors of Wellness Organization. How about having CB with t9 ships till you fix the cvs, ships like JB and Musashi can be excluded.

The BBs that hang back from A can support B, but they're at a distance from both caps. The only reason venezia was chosen is because it can actually deal with cvs, and has the ability to push, thats it, not because its OP.

By Tanatoy, June 30 in Development Blog. Season date: July 15The new season will allow us to collect information and consider other Tiers as an alternative for conducting various competitive formats in the future. We thank everyone for participation and feedback.

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