Even now, there are many Page 6/14. You want to have a heal/magic heal combo as your first two abilities. For other families, you want to confirm whether there is a pet that does have heal or magic heal as its first ability. If you have two common, uncommon, rare or legendary pets of the same type (two farm, aquatic, e.t.c.) Posted: (4 days ago) Pet Fusing is an action which takes place in the Pet Yard, wherein two pets of the same family and rarity are combined to create one new pet of the next rarity level. The pet on the left and its stats will be retained while fusing, while the other will be consumed and disappear from the Pet Yard. Say you want Attack far/electric?
At this point, I BEG of you not to care about the first ability, OR the order of the H/MH. Fusing pets is only possible when the two pets used are of the same family and rarity, and as long as the Pet Yard has been upgraded to a high enough level to allow for it. Below is a breakdown of the respective costs. Otherwise, the max level WILL be mower than it should. Exotic, Farm, Woodlands, and ???? Yeah, even many books are offered, this book can steal the reader heart appropriately much.
same odds! Pet Fusing - the RotMG Wiki | RealmEye.com. So two level 30 commons, two level 50 uncommons, two level 70 rares, and two level 90 legendaries.
Now, if you want one first, say heal/Mheal and not the other way around, you’ll be stuck with 1/30 odds, or 3.3%.Now, if you care about the first ability, you get a 1/15 for automaton (all electric :P), a 1/45 for spooky, and either a 1/30, or a 1/90 for insect. The site may not work properly if you don't If you do not update your browser, we suggest you visit Press J to jump to the feed. Note: Pet damage does not contribute to soulbound damage, meaning your pet can actually steal drops from you if it does too much damage. When fusing pets together I've been told that in order for them to have the highest level cap, you need both pets to be max level when you fuse them.
Fusing Pets. If you’re farming godlands, hatch every egg you get (except spooky, automaton and insect) and save every pet you get. It will guide to know more than the people staring at you. That’s ONLY true if you max level the first ability of BOTH PETS before fusing them. So I wonder, will the legendary pet get 67th level of 2nd ability partially maxed or will it be exactly at 0 (I mean, at the beginning of the 67th level)? Download Free Rotmg Pet Guide In Depth Pet Guide - Fusing, Getting Feedpower + more Welcome to Pfiffel.com! Your pet yard must be at least one tier above the pets you intend to fuse, in order to be able to attempt a fusion with those pets. “Fusion Strength” is a measure of how maxed the two pets being used are.For example, a divine pet with the heal ability at level 30 will heal 14 hp, just the same as a common pet at heal level 30. Each ability has a 1/8 chance of appearing as the second (or third) ability. Fusing will give a random pet of the next rarity level. Rotmg Pet Fusing Guide - seapa.org Reading this rotmg pet fusion guide will find the money for you more than people admire.
So, here’s a complete list of families that can give you Heal/Magic heal, regardless of which is the first ability, and sorted from best odds, to worst:And lastly, say you REALLY want to get a legendary/divine pet from Insect, Spooky, or Automaton, with a Heal/Magic Heal combo. Coupled with this, feed power is less effective at higher ability levels, as 500 feed power may raise a low leveled ability several levels, yet hardly do much at the higher ability levels. NONE of the other families have the first ability of heal.If you’re OK with getting magic heal first, then the following can have magic heal as their first ability: Feline, Avian, Exotic, Farm, Woodland, Penguin, and the ????
each has a 1/18, or 5.5% chance of getting the H/MH combo. Read Free Rotmg Pet Fusing Guide sources to learning, reading a sticker album Does this mean I need to get 4 level 30 pets, then 2 level 50 pets in order to get a proper rare pet? Does the same "pyramid" apply to legendary and divine pets? Press question mark to learn the rest of the keyboard shortcuts If it’s the combo and you don’t care about art, you have two options: Trade for baby eggs, or farm godlands.
So be sure to take the time to max your pets before fusing, or you’ll end up regretting it.TLDR: All pets are equal when you fuse at max levels. make a table though, for real.i really hope not (in responst to your last question)Yes you do, otherwise your pet will have very low max statsNew comments cannot be posted and votes cannot be castA community-driven subreddit for the online bullet-hell perma-death game, Realm of the Mad God.Looks like you're using new Reddit on an old browser. Since other families don’t have a guaranteed first ability, they fall off a bit in the odds of getting the combo.Now, let’s say you want ONLY heal as the first ability, not magic heal, for whatever reason.
Does the same "pyramid" apply to legendary and divine pets?Yes the same "pyramid" applies to legendary and divine pets.but to increase the max level you only need the first skill of both pets to be maxed, the rest of the skills will just become averaged after fusion.New Pet: Level 50 Heal, Level 49 MP Heal - Rare Pet with a max of level 70.also, you need to max EACH AND EVERY PET before fusing, so that you dont get a "crippled" fused pet. Farm, and reptile each have a 1/18 shot at giving you the H/MH combo, or 5.5%. Below is a breakdown of the respective costs. As such, it’s really a 1/6 chance, as two abilities are already taken up by the first and third abilities. you can fuse pets. I mentioned that all pets are equal earlier. If it’s art, then accept the odds, nothing to do but wait for the right egg.
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