... You’ll find new attachments all the time in Metro Exodus, ... and the 6x scope for the Valve sniper rifle. Get all the best bits of VG247 delivered to your inbox every Friday! This is a great way to farm these kills. On top of that you have upgrades and customization to worry about, where swapping out a few parts can significantly change the performance of a weapon to make it better fit your play style.On this page, we’re going to run down all the weapons in Metro Exodus, highlight some of our favorite picks for the best weapon, and talk about how customization works. During the first mission after you’ve named the Aurora, where you’re infiltrating a church, you’ll be asked to jump out a window to hide from guards. Samuel is a long-time PC Gamer freelancer who loves RPGs and making long lists of games he'll never have time to play. This is a weapon that starts out less useful but can very quickly become more powerful and useful as you add upgrades to things like its magazine size in order to make its actual utility match its insane firepower potential.The Bastard Gun is Metro Exodus’ go-to SMG, and being of that particular class of fun its main selling point is a high, impressive rate of fire. Go in via the bottom floor and take the stairs up. We'll assume you're ok with this, but you can opt-out if you wish. You can find him on the floor, struggling under the weight of his Steam backlog.Sign up to get the best content of the week, and great gaming deals, as picked by the editors.Thank you for signing up to PC Gamer. You’ll also get the Gatling Gun but that’s impossible to miss as it’s part of a small boss encounter.
Sniper: Kill 50 enemies at long distance. The only way around this is to clean your weapons well and often.Sometimes we include links to online retail stores. Plus, when combined with a heavy stock the reduced stability won’t make a difference. There’s a lot of side stuff here so use your binoculars regularly as the flat terrain means you have to scan from numerous vantage points to mark everything to your map. Because of that we've collected the best Metro Exodus map locations, so you don't miss out on any of the good stuff. You’ll get a sniper stock as well as other useful pistol attachments.For a heavy stock later on, visit the bandit camp Duke mentions when you meet him in his lookout. The important thing is it’s possible to find a number of hugely useful upgrades and gadgets right at the start if you know where to look. Check our guide – How to complete Captain Traps Objective.In the lobby of Trap No.4, there is a room with a window and cans. However, you can grab a night vision scope here. It’s a jack-of-all-trades, which in turn means it is a master of none – but that versatility means you should keep one on you at all times – or at least, until its bigger, better brother, the Bulldog, comes along.The Bulldog is a rifle that crops up for access later on in Metro Exodus, and it’s well worth using. The weapon is truly outstanding but limited in ammo. We know how passionate and dedicated gamers are towards their obsession and we want to not only help those who are casually spending time but also those hardcore full-timers with unquestionable ambition. Thankfully, 4A Games gives you plenty of guns to play with, … So this is how you can unlock Valve rifle in Metro Exodus Sam’s Story DLC.
You can get a 4x scope when you’re on the way back from the church mission early on—look for the crashed plane at the location below. You can do this on the fly anywhere in the game and apply basic parts, meaning you can even potentially swap some parts for one specific encounter you know is going to take place at a certain range, then switch back once the encounter is over. Valve will shoot only one bullet at a time. Some of the game's best moments and gear can be tucked away in odd corners of its Volga, Caspian, and Taiga areas. When you’ve downed an enemy, you likely usually look down at them in order to loot them. The Caspian area is a large open sea bed turned desert.
Don’t miss anything in Metro Exodus with our full map guideThere are a ton of Metro Exodus map locations in it's new open world levels. Bullets for this are less often found, however, and usually have to be crafted.Later on in Metro Exodus you’ll also be introduced to another new silent-but-deadly weapon – the Helsing.