Ghost of Tsushima: Gameplay Trailer Preview Developed by Sucker Punch Productions, the creators of the highly-praised Infamous series, and published by Sony Interactive Entertainment for PlayStation 4 (and the upcoming PlayStation 5), Ghost of Tsushima is an action adventure, Samurai simulator, an open world RPG, with a heavy focus on Stealth and exploration elements. Ghost of Tsushima è un'esclusiva PlayStation 4 sviluppata dai ragazzi di Sucker Punch. Click to email this to a friend (Opens in new window) di (Fortnite The Device Live Event) Today in fortnite season 2, …Enter your email address to subscribe to this blog and receive notifications of new posts by email. Sony provided a brief plot premise below the trailer:“The year is 1274. You must move beyond your samurai traditions to forge a new way of fighting — the way of the ghost — as you wage an unconventional war for the freedom of Japan.”Despite the setting and the real-world event that took place in 1274, Sucker Punch isn’t strictly following history. “Do you surrender?”As for the combat, you’ll be free to engage with enemies using swords, much like you’d expect in a samurai game. The game takes place on Tsushima island — a place that must be defended by Sakai and his companions.For example, the studio will move away from turn-by-turn “hand-holding” user interface and design many games have used this generation, including Sucker Punch’s past project. In a “We just, hopefully, are presenting something that’s beautiful and exotic — that’s different than the current place that you might be in,” Connell said.“I’ll ask you once again, samurai,” the invader says in the trailer. To combat his overwhelming foes, he must pioneer deadly new fighting techniques–the way of The Ghost–and wage an unconventional war for the people of Japan.May contain content inappropriate for children, visit ©2018 Sony Interactive Entertainment LLC. Jin Sakai is one of the last survivors of a noble samurai clan.
If you can find one, it’ll set you back $169.99 and it includes the following:The Digital Deluxe Edition will cost $70, is available to preorder on the PlayStation Store now, and includes:The date a game goes gold varies by game. Ghost of Tsushima - E3 2018 Gameplay Debut | PS4. Se anche voi non vedete l’ora di mettere le mani sulla nuova esclusiva per PlayStation 4, non dovete far altro che prenotare la vostra copia di Ghost of Tsushima direttamente su Sullo store Microsoft sono iniziate una serie di offerte sui titoli xBox, in occasione della…L'estate è il periodo migliore per viaggiare e qualora non lo abbiate ancora fatto, le…
In 1274, the fearsome Mongol Empire invades the Japanese island of Tsushima and slaughters its legendary samurai defenders. Il gioco è ambientato nel Giappone Feudale intorno al 1270, durante la prima invasione Mongola del Giappone e vede protagonista Jin Sakai, uno degli ultimi samurai dell'isola di Tsushima.
Il filmato si è aperto con le meccaniche di esplorazione, descritte come il cuore del gioco. It occurs when the developer feels the game is completed and ready to be manufactured and sent to retailers. As one of the last surviving samurai, you rise from the ashes to fight back. Ghost of Tsushima is a trademark of Sony Interactive Entertainment LLC.Game Director Jeff Kaplan discusses updates to Overwatch’s Competitive Open Queue, Experimental modes, queue times, …I STOPPED Doomsday Live Event! The debut trailer, shown above, depicts a lush, beautiful countryside and details a young samurai warrior’s ascent toward his ultimate challenge.
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