Die Schiffswerft, die zu Ende der DDR Zeit fast 1.100 Menschen aus der Region Arbeit gibt, entwickelt sich zum größten Betrieb des Landkreises Neustrelitz. After the Nazis came to power in 1933, substantial funds were allocated to further the development of the Erprobungsstelle Rechlin. In der Mitte der 1930er Jahre wurde im Zuge der Aufrüstung der Wehrmacht das Gelände zur Erprobungsstelle Rechlin der deutschen Luftwaffe, die dort neue Flugzeuge, Bomben und technische Ausrüstungen testete. The Nazis also built a 300 meter long stretch of the Autobahn not far from the towers, quite possible for the same reason as the towers. 1989 wohnen neben etwa 2480 Rechlinern ca. Flugzeuge, Abwurfwaffen und Munition wurden hier erprobt. Die Geschichte der Erprobungsstelle Rechlin begann im Jahr 1916, als die ersten Planungen des Kaiserlichen Heeres zur Errichtung einer Flieger-Versuchs- und Lehranstalt an der Müritz entstanden. Nach dem Ende des Ersten Weltkrieges wurden die bestehenden Anlagen demontiert. From 1925 onwards, the Germans operated the secret aviation school (Fliegerschule Stahr” on the outskirts of the Russian city Lipzek, and developed new aircraft and weapon systems.At the same time, the german government had already set plans in motion to reactivate the closed down test facility in Rechlin. The story behind the concrete plate is apparently as follows:The weapons manufacturer Rheinmetall developed a bombardment method with the so-called “Körperwerfer” to determine the penetrative force of explosive bombs. The engineers at the Erprobungstelle Rechlin were also invovled in assisting the Gebrüder Horten and the Gothaer Waggonfabrik in building and testing the Horten H IX, the world first stealth jet (the first real test flight was undertaken at the now.The Erprobungstelle Rechlin wasnt just for testing aircraft, but also new weapons technology. One should take the warning signs very seriously as there are still massive bomb craters visible throughout the forest – and the towers do not look very safe.The pine forests are quickly reclaiming whats theirs, covering most traces of the Nazis built. Apparently the demonstration didn’t go as planned as they had used 10mm reinforcement instead of 8mm, which failed to showcase the penetrative and explosive force which the engineers wanted to demonstrate.Rechlin and the Weiße Häuser never really became a target of the US bombing campaigns until may 1944 – and only as a secondary target. During the middle of the first World War, the German Ministry of War quickly realised that it needed a central research and testing facility for its Airforce.The planning for such a facility began in 1916 in Rechlin next to the Müritz lake, but it until 1917 to secure the 1400 hectares ground needed. Eine Erprobungsstelle ("Flieger-Versuchs- u. Technicians and engineers from all around Germany were sent to Rechlin and larger settlements were built to accommodate them and their families. In turn, large parts of the facility including train depots and infrastructure were demolished.The Germans signed the treaty of Rapallo with the Soviet Union in 1922 which normalised diplomatic relation and strengthened economic ties, it also included a secret military cooperation agreement. Zuvor wurde im Juni 1948 der VEB Schiffswerft Rechlin ebenfalls auf dem Gelände der Erprobungsstelle gegründet. A civil aviation club was formed in Rechlin – the “Luftfahrverein Waren e.V”, which functioned as a cover up for the government. Danach wurden entsprechende … Deutsch Wikipedia. Ab Mitte 1944 erlangte die Erprobung der neuen Strahlflugzeuge,Die Erprobungsstelle war aber nicht nur für deutsche Entwicklungen zuständig, sondern auch für ausländische Flugzeugmuster. This isn’t too far of an outlandish theory – especially,considering that the Americans did just this in 1943.Not far from the abandoned towers lies another curiosity. Bei Bombenangriffen 1945 wurde die Erprobungsstelle schwer geschädigt. The device consisted of a smooth cannon tube with an approximate caliber of 38cm, From a distance of 100 meters, a 250kg blockbuster bomb and a Panzersprengbombe PC500 were fired at perpendicular placed reinforced concrete walls and armor plates.This setup was tested with about 20 shots at Rheinmetalls location in Unterlüß (which they still use today), and was supposed to be replicated again in July 1939 for Hitler in at the Weiße Häuser Rechlin. Der Name Erprobungsstelle wurde in Deutschland verwendet bis in die 1980er Jahre. It does certainly sound plausible that the Nazis had planned to build bomb proof housing for the capital Germania. In total, the Nazis built 4 of these reinforced concrete towers to test the effectiveness of their bombs as well the construction materials and shapes. Dazu gehörten beispielsweise verschiedene,Neben der rein technischen Erprobung aller Landflugzeuge und deren Zubehörs wurden neue Flugzeuge, besonders nach Kriegsbeginn, auf ihre militärische Brauchbarkeit untersucht. Parts of the area were used by the German Bundeswehr after the German reunification, but were soon given up again.