However, since I believe you’re actually looking for a suggestion on the path to take into pvp and not a discussion on game balance I’d recommend the rapid light missile caracal. Most Ni-Kunnis are tradesmen and artisans - occupations frequently frowned upon by Amarrians, but still a vital part of their society. Its engagement profile is wide enough that you will very likely get at least some kill and cheap enough to play until you win.A lot of people will encourage you to jump into a frigate as your first pvp ship but the truth is you need to know what you can fight before you engage or you’re just gonna get dumpstered constantly. for example a kitey ass condor will eventually kill a scram web blaster incursus… IF the fight starts outside of scram range. if you somehow manage to get on the condor it will die in a fire immediately. Maybe something in FW? Your best start is best ship in EVE “The Friend Ship”. The Amarrians were the first of the races in EVE to re-discover Warp technology, notably Jump gate technology. But as everyone else is saying.
I vote gallente.But really, it’s not that big of an issue for new players and frigates…getting to level 4s is pretty quick so…I’d recommend gallente or amarr. The typical Khanid woman lets no one boss her around. It depends. The Emperor's authority is unquestioned and absolute, but the archaic and bureaucratic system of government makes … Although this makes them difficult to deal with, it gives them decisiveness and a great sense of purpose. The largest of the empires in the world of EVE, Amarr spans 40% of the inhabited solar systems. Which empire faction has the best head start for pvp players? I’m not a huge fan of missiles - and I don’t use them -, but I’m told they’re more forgiving if you’re unfamiliar with the mechanics (you need to factor in things like transversal speed et cetera with projectiles like AC, blasters etc).Drones are great because A) they’re fast, B) they’re accurate, C) they take care of themselves for the most part, D) you can have spares. They have slowed down their expansion and are less forceful in their dealings with other races, but still view themselves as the most powerful race in EVE, if only because of their sheer numbers. Ever since, the Amarrians have enslaved every nation and race they have encountered, and today slavery is an essential part of Amarr society. They have strong family ties and can be very vindictive when someone harms their close ones - this vengefulness can last for generations. These people were a primitive race conquered some 1000 years ago by the Amarr Empire.
Find good corp that is new player friendly and PvP oriented. Before becoming part of the Amarr Empire, the Ni-Kunnis had a polygamous society.
You wont get into PvP solo without weeks or months of suffering (I tried it). It’s cheap, easy to fit and fly and you’ll stand a good chance killing many ships that are smaller than you. If you're interested in roleplaying/fiction in eve-online, you can join the RP discord server and I'm sure someone will be very quick to tell you why Caldari/Gallente are scum :P Beneath their meek manners Ni-Kunni women are just as smart and devious as their male counterparts.
This has, of course, tainted their relations with other races, especially the individualistic Gallenteans. In recent years, however, the Amarrians have begun to run into serious opposition. Extensive cyber-implants keep their frail bodies alive, even when their organs begin to fail. I’m familiar with Gallante ships and like drones, but for my dedicated pvp alt I want to make sure I have the best head start so that I can build up fighting power fast.Which empire faction has the best head start for pvp players?Your best start is best ship in EVE “The Friend Ship”.
Also, some people will target your drones instead of you, giving you time to pelter away at them if you have guns installed. Having said that: blasters are always good; autocannons and artillery could use a buff, but are solid too. What the title says. Always a deeply religious people, religion remains of great importance to every Amarrian, a fervour which at various times has been responsible both for great good and great evil. Unlike the other races conquered by the Amarrians, the Ni-Kunnis adapted to the Amarr society much better and today only a small minority is still enslaved. Find good corp that is new player friendly and PvP oriented. These cyber-enhancements date back many millennia, and have become a symbol of royal divinity in the eyes of the Amarrians. Breacher and Tristan are the best ones at this size, Tristan having a bit of an advantage due to versatility imho.Like they said, there’s no best ship. Shortly after recovering from the closure of EVE, they began to expand their realm at the expense of neighbouring states. Although this practice has long been abolished, it still lingers in relations between Ni-Kunni males and females. In my limited experience, drone carrying frigates fare better overall in FW to the point most people in similar t1 hulls won’t engage (which is a bad thing if you’re looking for fights). The Amarr Empire. Those directly descendant from the Amarrian ethnic group before it conquered its home planet and intermingled with other people - are proud and supercilious, having a great sense of tradition and ancestry.Females are very class conscious and formal in their dealing with others. There is no “best”.Depends on the hull size you’re going for. Frigate fights happen very quickly and mistakes are generally punished quickly as well.You could also consider any of the t1 destroyers for similar reasons. On the way, they encountered two human races, both of whom suffered the fate of being enslaved by the far more powerful Amarrians. Which empire faction has the best head start for pvp players?
I wish we had an arena of sorts.Like how do you protect your skill training jump clone and how do you jump instantly so you can park your account for faster training when offline but not lose your implants when podded?This and other basic questions are much more importantDude pvp is aboslutly great in EVE, but you need mentors, find a PVP corp in lowsec to get “lessons”.Avoid brawling at the beggining you’ll be easy food , find kitey fits tristan,condor… that will allows you to learn, and even escape from blobs.For brawling try the gallente line; tristan, atrons those are powerful and easy to fly.Caldari ships if you want to kite, short range weapons ( ex: rockets ) needs some knowlege too, when to scram kite, when to orbit at close range…Can’t give you a recomendation about amar, I’ve not flown them too much.I think Gallente is easiest for PVP start as with blasters and drones you can go for high-DPS from the start… just get enemy into point blank and let your devastating DPS do the work and hope you will last longer then the enemy.