so... what's up with them? i have 0 knowledge of german thingsSorry to write such a long text. They want to be seen as prisoners. Create . Do we (Germans) want to disappoint Germania again and give room to the right again, as is unfortunately the case in many other countries? Germany's success is tied to it's strength over others and itself. For me, Rammstein shows clear solidarity with the prisoners and clearly shows the repulsiveness of the Nazis. Make social videos in an instant: use custom templates to tell the right story for your business.Post jobs, find pros, and collaborate commission-free in our professional marketplace.Get your team aligned with all the tools you need on one secure, reliable video platform.Browse and buy exceptional, royalty-free stock clips, handpicked by the best.Please enable JavaScript to experience Vimeo in all of its glory.Keep up on the latest videos and activity by subscribing to Vimeo’s The site may not work properly if you don't If you do not update your browser, we suggest you visit Press J to jump to the feed. Noplan 4,744 views
The lyrics talk about shame in germany as well as love and gives both the wehraboos and the piss for brains something to take a dump on in order to score another controversial album/single.Honestly, if this were to be Rammstein’s last album that’s a hell of a way to go out. Sounds a lot like the first album. please help mealso Germania wears Weimar colors in that scene, there's also hard-to-miss religious imagery, and I also suspect we see those puppies grown up in the RAF scene. No claim to fame for mercantile prowess and harmless engineering like the Dutch. Thank you Rammstein for the song and video.1000%.
In addition, they sing "Deutschland Deutschland über allen" and not "über alles (German former anthem)" or "über allem (over everything else)". But since RAF sometimes disguised themselves it also fits no matter how he looks.Germania personified by the black woman is Germany's wild/tribal heritage and the severed roman head she keeps carrying around througout the video is Germany's roman heritage, it's culture/technology/intellect. Rammstein thus clearly places Germania outside the National Socialist thinking of white, blond and blue-eyed woman. Together they formed many Germanys throughout history, beginning with the Holy roman empire of german nations.When the two met for the first time the journey (the red line) and "Germnay" comes into existence.It seems that again and again through history the roman head impregnates Germania (metaphorically speaking) but often they gave birth to dogs of war.People are focusing too much on Germania because of her skin colour and forget that actually two bodies form/ed Germany, Germania AND the roman head, only together they're true Germany.The ending is a bit unclear but my interpretation is that people decided to get rid of the roman head and put Germania into a hibernation state floating in a cascet in outer space and probably waiting for the next "head" to wake her up and finally impregnate someone to give her raw and wild nature a direction again.Sorry but what was the song being played on the piano during the credits I recognise it but can’t think of the nameWhat is the terrorist band where Till is cross dressed named?So I've been obsessing over this video for some 12 hours now and rewatched it many many times.
what are they supposed to symbolize, and if the scene is supposed to take place at the metaphorical Kaiserschnitt, i. e. founding of Weimar, why in space???? Even in the credits, the prisoners are shown with their heads held high and long.
I checked out the song via a reference elsewhere in Reddit and was surprised by the imagery. There was no claim to fame for discovering and plundering the New World like Spain or England. She can be seen in the Weimar Republic as a Party Girl (the fight) and as a representative of the old imperials supporters (White uniform as Kaiser) in prison. By using our Services or clicking I agree, you agree to our use of cookies. They were much more accepted than in America.Only the jews were hunted and discriminated.
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