shellshock live xp multiplier

shellshock live xp multiplier

This mode and Vortex mode share the highest mode multiplier in the game, 1.6. Add A New Topic Add A New Topic. Off, One Weapon? Off, Nudge? Off, Nudge? ... Assassin kills will result in 5 Kill XP + 5 Assassination XP; Increased points mode XP multiplier …

Off, Nudge? The XP multiplier of this mode is 1.6. You lose power by taking damage.

Posted on April 27, 2020 Games: ShellShock Live.

Reduces the xp modifier (to 0.9), but is useful for high and low level players to fight together.

From ShellShock Live Wiki.

No two players will be able to target each other until they are the only two left remaining on the field. Off, Nudge?

Details. no.Requires all player to stand still rather than move to the middle, most weapons can still bag two tanks here and since they are adequately spaced apart you still get the xp for hitting multiple tanks.8 players, high wind, 20s turn timer, choose wep? The above examples give 1.2xp each, while pre-set maps can give values between x1.1 and x0.8 XP for the match (Shown in bottom right corner of a map in the selection screen). Damaging yourself will result in loss of points equal to damage caused, xp is reduced in this mode (with a multiplier of 1.0), hitting multiple targets at close range generates even less xp, it does not have a defined multiplier as actual XP earned varies considerably. If a map has no value attached, that means it has the default XP multiplier …

which makes the next match take longer to start)8 players, high wind, 20s turn timer, chose wep? Or, maybe you need to confuse everyone with portals by firing into both of them simultaneously. Yes.I am not sure how to measure this one but know that its expected gain is somewhere between 200 and 300xp, any other mode is better.If you have any suggestions or know of a configuration that gives good xp please leave it below in the comments.Click below to consent to the use of the cookie technology provided by vi (video intelligence AG) to personalize content and advertising.

Crates, supply drops and tank souls still give weapons, and you are allowed to carry more than one weapon at a time. ShellShock Live: The Big XP Guide. No.2 players, high wind, 40s turn timer, chose wep? Off, One Weapon? No multipliers have been reduced! Suggestions Forum. Rebound is the game of choice for many seeking xp and its not surprising, not only does it give the best XP multiplier but all shots give 5 bonus XP if they land. Yes.The most common marksman setup, while obviously marksman is not a popular gamemode, this one is the classic two player shootout, no friends, sabotage when available and nail those targets.2 players, High wind, 30s turn timer, chose wep?

Yes. Go For High Score: Deal the most amount of damage to enemy tanks to win. Yes.A fun 8 configuration that avoids unpleasant maps and ends up playing out like cluedo except the murder weapon is a nuke and the people are tanks? Yes.2 players, high wind, 20s turn timer, choose wep? Off, Nudge? The XP multiplier is 1.1.

Kills generate double kill XP.

Off, Nudge? Playing this game mode over time will unlock the weapon hidden blade.

Only shots that hit the bumpers count for damage, this mode generates a larger amount of xp if you either get lucky or spawn on a somewhat flat map as all hits grant another 5XP. Off, Nudge?

Shellshock League: Team with the most goals wins! Off, Nudge?

Target becomes smaller over time.

Destroy the Juggernaut before the Juggernaut can destroy you, killing the juggernaut grants double kill XP, winning as juggernaut gives an xp multiplier. This mode has an XP multiplier of 1.1. This subreddit is about Shellshock Live and only Shellshock Live. We've updated some Game Mode XP Multiplier values, boosting some lesser played modes, and evening out total XP earned. Good Ol' Deathmatch: Eliminate all of the enemy tanks to win, this is the default mode of the game with an XP multiplier of 1.3. Off, One Weapon? Enabling this mod will significantly increase the xp modifier.

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shellshock live xp multiplier 2020