awmf leitlinie pku

awmf leitlinie pku

They will become way too good. I never got such a tank and i will never have the chance to get one. The changes Wargaming is considering will affect four vehicles: VK 72.01, the M60, the T95E6, and the 121B. The gun will allow for enjoyable long range play. The changes Wargaming is considering will affect four vehicles: VK 72.01, the M60, the T95E6, and the 121B. World of Tanks Supertest continues their test on Clan Wars reward tanks, and today I’ve to a few more details about the changes done. Joking, there are plenty of players out there that want changes to these vehicles, so even if they are in smaller numbers, they also deserve to have tanks they own updated.I like the changes, but why is the Obj 907 immune? Its main role will be reconnaissance plus support from the 2nd line. The VK is already fairly balanced as is, but if this goes through it will be a far better tank then the E-100 and Pz VII.I wonder when they’ll be testing personal mission reward tanks for rebalancing.Good Point, the 260 is not something to work towards in it’s current state.Instead of fixing premium tanks that players spent money to purchase, WG fix premium tanks that player spend no money to obtain.have u played clan wars the players who are earnig these rewards do not grind all their credits in a tier 6 arty and wih the massive HEAT spam in clan wars and the players being some of the most active and controbuting vast amounts of wonga generally speakig wg are meerly answering to their biggest market they dobt care if the kv5 is shit they have got a defender or patriot with premium account which they just play in strongholds so hees bo mm issuesIsn’t what they do when they fix regular tanks? If you like my content, please consider donating. In order to reward players who have helped their Clans succeed the most in the Second Clan Wars Campaign, we will be providing theVK 72.01 Kto the top 3,000 Fame Point earners! A second, special global map is opened for a limited time, and points systems are started for individual players and entire clans. Season 7 on the Global Map Clans Discuss.
Players will be able to follow changes in their rating on the official World of Tanks portal site. The new and improved Tank Rewards is here! Please note, this is Supertest information and it’s subject to change.I strongly think these aren’t final and some vehicles will still get further changes.

Find out all the latest news from the front in this section. Hoping to add one of these the next time they offer them now that I have my Obj 907.I play this Game 4 years (27 k battles). Wow. Selecting another region may affect the website content. Clans. So WG, when i have no chance (better then average), why should anyone care?Maybe you should get to a better clan? That tank is not balanced.I have 20k battles (also over 4 years), have 1400 wn8 overall and 1800 recent, i joined clans specifically to play CW, the clans that accepted me had/have ambition for CW, they are not the best there are but give their best in each and every game, i played over 1000 CW matches and got myself a IS5, 907, M60 and a VK7201 so it its perfectly doable for someone like you, just do not expect to have it handed over on a silver platter…I see plenty of 1000wn8 players running around in tier x cw rewards. Its rate of fire, stabilization, and engine power will all get a boost, but its efficiency at long range will be slightly decreased with lowered accuracy and penetration with standard ammunition. We plan to make the M60 faster and more suitable for long distance support fire and terrain-based play. These will be displayed in each player'… Campaign 2 has a large variety of rewards, achievements, and medals for players and Clans to earn. Don’t worry, Premium tanks will have their turn.Tears about the 907 incoming! Your chance to win great prizes! The designated role of the VK 72.01 is holding positions and trading damage with the enemy.The 121B will become an agile and manoeuvrable medium tank with an outstanding spotting range (upped to 420 m) and very low detectability.

Clan Screen and WoT Assistant Update Clans. Support The Daily Bounce - WoT & WoWS News, leaks, and more! Some items are awarded by Clan, some by player, and some achievements even have multiple classes that you can earn.To learn how you or your Clan can earn these valuable prizes, have a look at the list below.In order to reward players who have helped their Clans succeed the most in the Second Clan Wars Campaign, we will be providing theThe top 20 Clans with the largest amount of Victory Points will receive in-game GoldThe following Achievements require hard work throughout the entire Campaign to earn.These will all be awarded at the end of the Second Campaign.Capture the greatest number of landing and revolting provinces on the Global Map within 24 turns (hours) during the 2nd Campaign.All clan members in the clan at the end of the campaign will be awarded with an additional 60,000 Fame Points.Fight the longest unbroken series of winning battles on the Global Map during the 2nd Campaign.Removing your own Clan by the "Exit Map" button and technical victories/defeats to not influence the series.These will all be awarded at the end of Stage I of the Second Campaign.Capture at least one province during World Redivision in Stage I of the 2nd Campaign.Score the greatest number of Victory Points during Stage I of the 2nd Campaign.Score the greatest number of Victory Points by holding provinces during Stage I of the 2nd Campaign.Score the greatest number of Victory Points by holding a single province during Stage I of the 2nd Campaign.Score the greatest number of Victory Points from revolting and landing provinces during Stage I of the 2nd Campaign.Score the greatest number of Victory Points from a single revolting or landing province during Stage I of the 2nd Campaign.Own at least one province at the end of Stage I of the 2nd Campaign.Force the Wargaming America Clan out of the Chicago, Illinois province during Stage I of the 2nd Campaign.Force the Wargaming America Clan out of the San Francisco, California province during Stage I of the 2nd Campaign.Score any number of victory points during Stage I of the 2nd Campaign.Fight at least one battle on the Global Map during Stage I of the 2nd Campaign.These will all be awarded at the end of Stage II of the Second Campaign.Score the greatest number of Victory Points during Stage II of the 2nd Campaign.Score any number of Victory Points during Stage II of the 2nd Campaign.Rob more than one train within 24 turns during Stage II of the 2nd Campaign.Fight in at least one battle during Stage II of the 2nd CampaignThese will all be awarded at the end of Stage III of the Second Campaign.Score the greatest number of Victory Points during Stage III of the 2nd Campaign.Score the greatest number of Victory Points from a single goldfield during Stage III of the 2nd CampaignCapture the greatest number of pots of gold in goldfields during Stage III of the 2nd Campaign.Score any number of Victory Points during Stage III of the 2nd Campaign.Fight in at least one battle during Stage III of the 2nd Campaign.These will all be awarded at the end of the Second Campaign.Removing HQ of the same clan several times stills count towards the achievement.Technical victories and victories in landing or revolting provinces tournaments (aside from battles with province owner) do not count towards the achievement.

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awmf leitlinie pku 2020