You Soon CanChrome Hijacking Your Media Keys? If I was a browser I’d feel pretty smug about handling 100 tabs simultaneously, too.This one is exclusive to Chrome for Android: swipe up five times from the tab switcher screen and Chrome will do a slick flip, as shown in this video:Leaving Chrome for Android to one side, there a few nifty tricks specific to Chrome OS devices.On your Chromebook keyboard press the following keyboard combination to watch the focused window do a fancy-pants cartwheel:Got a Chromebook Pixel? Wie Google vor der Jahrtausendwende aussah, haben die meisten von uns sicher schon vergessen. Good old Tetris. Samsung's Find My Mobile Can Now Find Your Phone if It's Offline Let us know by Just checked on my old 54600A, works on that model as well.Just checked on the 54645D. Some people have created Google used to offer a snake game in Gmail, which you could activate by enabling the “Old Snakey” lab. It’s always been a fun way to connect with your more advanced customer base (i.e. “This one is clearly inspired by the Lord of the Rings books, but it’s thematically similar – and there were Lord of the Rings video games, after all.Over the years, Google has also paid tribute to the Which is your favorite Google Easter egg? High scores Instructions Instructions I can find gameplay videos of ‘scope Tetris and Asteroids, but not Bugs.Tetris was easy… Centipede I haven’t been able to find.I might be able to later, but this week is finals for me…Mine also plays Centipede. Firstly, I’m jealous. hackers) — anyway, here’s a great Easter egg you can find on the Hewlett Packard 54600B Oscilloscop — Tetris! Google in 1998. Please leave a comment if you know a way to access it!Ask Google Maps for walking directions from The Shire to Mordor and Google will provide a warning. Wer Lust hat sich ins Jahr 1998 zurückbeamen zu lassen, sollte einmal die britische Seite von Google aufrufen und „Google in 1998“ eingeben. Select any video and it will start playing in the Camera app. To access it, click theSelect an aircraft and start position to start your virtual flight – you can even control the aircraft with a joystick. Chris Hoffman is a tech blogger and all-around technology addict living in Eugene, Oregon.Join our newsletter for tech tips, reviews, free ebooks, and exclusive deals!Please confirm your email address in the email we just sent you. Google Easter Egg "Do a barrel roll" Platz 5: Die einsamste Zahl. These software designers must have been incredibly bored.This is way too cool. I wonder if guys at LeCroy, Fluke, and Rhode & Schwartz have ever hidden any games?As many of those are built around x86 stuff and are running windows, there are all the games you can want:it also works on the 54602B (150mhz) 4chan scope too, just tried it on mineThe on-chip boot rom in an SoC from a former employer of mine would spit out the names of the design and validation team if you sent the right string down the serial port in bootloader mode. Original concept, design and program by Alexey Pazhitnov Google Docs contains a dragon, YouTube's video player contains a hidden game, and zerglings are waiting to devour your search results when you challenge them to a battle. It’s always been a fun way to connect with your more advanced customer base (i.e. Easter eggs? It’s since found a place in popular culture.Google Reader responds to the Konami code, showing a special ninja background when you enter it. Wenn Sie "the loneliest number" in der Google-Suche eingeben, gibt Ihnen Google eine klare Antwort auf die Frage. And you must slay it, brave adventurer!To slay the dragon, open a spreadsheet and press Shift-F12.This one doesn’t qualify as an Easter egg because it’s an actual feature – Google Earth contains a flight simulator. If you press the third and fourth buttons, it displays dot art of what appears to be a badger and lists out what appear to be the devs.Would you be willing to post a video somewhere? Google Tetris Game Easter Egg; Original Tetris Free; Contains AdsOffers in-app purchases. You can then play with different effects from the ribbon, and even take screenshots!I don’t quite understand the nerdish humour behind this one: the Chrome Task Manager can display a ‘This post was written over a year ago. Just press the following code on your keyboard:After that, the light bar will simply start going off, showing you all kinds of colors.Did you know that you can watch videos in the Chrome OS Camera app? Atari Breakout is a hidden Google game which turns Google Images into a playable classic arcade video game with a Google twist. Released in June 1989. Use the search feature to find something more recent. Sub-Licensed to Nintendo. Haben Sie sich auch schon immer gefragt, was eigentlich die einsamste Zahl ist? Some people estimated that the Pac-Man game on Google’s homepage resulted in over $120 million in lost productivity as people played the game on Google's homepage instead of working.While the game isn’t available on Google’s homepage anymore, you can still YouTube’s video player has a built-in Snake game. A little fiddling later and a game of Tetris was revealed.