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Pod-fóra: Archiv nápadů a návrhů ; Témata 604 Zprávy 6,1K. Apologies if this has already been discussed elsewhere, but I don't recall it. This is your place to go!Got something to say about the game? If you already have a forum account, you can simply click on the 'Log in' button at the top right of your forum screen. Tohle je místo pro ni! Mazání neaktivních měst. Have I seen you here before? You can often do battles with only minor losses. New posts Search forums. To participate in or to create forum discussions, you will need your own forum account. Forum - Elvenar Romania. — Are you new to our forums? Cher lecteur du forum, Afin de pouvoir participer activement au forum en rejoignant des discussions ou en créant les vôtres pour découvrir les secrets d'Elvenar, vous aurez besoin d'un compte jeu dont le mail est validé. Have I seen you here before? Go.

Don't miss out on diamonds!Putting contest entries in the magical wizard's hat You can share your feedback and opinions about the game here. … What's new New posts New profile posts Latest activity. Check this video from when the Gravity Inn was first released in February 2019! Jak můžeme Elvenar vylepšit? If you already have a forum account, you can simply click on the 'Log in' button at the top right of your forum screen. Sub-forumuri: Arhivă : Anunțuri; Subiecte 228 Mesaje 292. What's new . Get the Flying Academy at 10+ and the Mercenary camp comes into its own, comparable training speeds that go overnight with a Barracks and level 16+ Needles. To participate in this episode of the contest, we invite you to create something related to Elvenar or its birthday - anything you like, be it baked, cooked, drawn, crafted, or composed. This section contains all announcements and news about our game. Go. This allows them to hold back and attack at a distance beyond the fire of the opposition. Temple of the Toads helps as well, as you say.I still like the cerberus, I do not want to ignore 2 tournaments because the units suck. *Conditions apply, please see the contest rules for more information. Most tournament players seem to agree that at higher game levels the troops from the Merc Camp are far superior to those from the Barracks. In order to participate in current discussions or create new threads, you will need to register for a forum account by clicking on the link below. 49; Next. JavaScript is disabled. Nu se pot deschide teme sau scrie răspunsuri. Let us know here!Here you can let us know about bugs you've found in the game.Want to talk, but not about Elvenar? Better choice of troops for combat in different tournaments. Let’s share our thoughts and raise the Voices of Elvenar. When your Needles is at level 31 and you are at Sorcerers and Dragons, trust me... you will use no dogs... Filters. For a better experience, please enable JavaScript in your browser before proceeding. Have I seen you here before? Subiecte 228 Mesaje 292. Forum software by XenForo. Want to talk, but not about Elvenar? For a better experience, please enable JavaScript in your browser before proceeding.

This section contains all announcements and news about our game.Do you want to know what changed in an update? Máte nějakou otázku ke hře, ale neznáte na ni odpověď? Also the Frog Prince at max 3* is a no brainer, it is far superior as a heavy ranged especially against 3* Dogs, wipes them out. Your Elvenar … Témata 604 Zprávy 6,1K. Your Elvenar Team. New posts New profile posts Latest activity. I have always maintained that until the … This is your place to go!You can share your feedback and opinions about the game here.How can we improve Elvenar according to you? I still like the cerberus, I do not want to ignore 2 tournaments because the units suck. Forum - Elvenar International. Better choice of troops for combat in different tournaments. Therefore, your calculations must include more than just training speed.First of all it depends on your race how effecive this one is, it's especially effective for elves.Yes crossbowmen arent useless they will do untill you get at least close in training comparison.It's not quite so cut and dried because those unwinnable fights become winnable once the right number of Armourers or UUUs have been thrown into the mix.

This is the place to be!Here you can let us know about bugs you've found in the game. Register your account here! Help New Player Guide/ Beginner Guide. General Discussion. Dear forum reader, To actively participate on the forum by joining discussions or starting your own threads or topics, you need a game account and to REGISTER HERE! For a better experience, please enable JavaScript in your browser before proceeding. They both have long attack ranges.
Threads 170 … — Are you new to our forums? Announcements. When your Needles is at level 31 and you are at Sorcerers and Dragons, trust me... you will use no dogs... Thread starter DeletedUser43; Start date Aug 4, 2016; 1; 2; 3 … Go to page. Next Last. I realise, though, that this is a finite source so I can't necessarily always tool myself up as much as I would need. JavaScript is disabled. For a better experience, please enable JavaScript in your browser before proceeding. JavaScript is disabled. Včera v 17:17; Pauleo; Otázky a odpovědi. Threads 170 Messages 233.

However, when I reached a 3 star blossom mage and a 2 star frog, I found these became my most powerful troops. To participate in or to create forum discussions, you will need your own forum account. Let us know here!Do you have questions, or do you want to help others with your guides?

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elvenar forum 2020