For all that we recommend that businesses use Twitter for customer support, Twitter themselves seems to have dropped the ball on this measure.
Phone number (optional) Are you human? They have been both off for weeks now. Does anyone have an idea of how to fix this?Even going through their forms, when you’re done, you get this message: “Though we cannot respond to individual reports, the information provided helps us make Twitter better for everyone. Nah woj didn’t need to apologize knowing this is the list of potential replacements esps has for him "nah woj" is now trending because no one wants him to apologize YOU LOVE TO SEE IT Nah Woj is trending & I just hope the cultural historians add this to their list of 2020 highlights/odditiesNah Woj u don’t need to apologize for being the goat Nah Woj, the only mistake was sending it from your Anyway, you get the point. Twitter Support Be in the know on the latest news, tips, and tricks. We would like to show you a description here but the site won’t allow us.
Twitter is a massive network consisting of a ton of infrastructure, a lot of code no one ever sees, and millions of people. Has your problem been solved?Hi! Please come back later if you would like to try again. Never broke a rule once either.Did you ever get an answer? Please correct it. That’s a serious issue, and having no way to get it fixed makes no sense.The phone number specifically says they don’t help people.I would like to add another account but I do not have a gear or a me icon to help me do that. We do not accept any email address with non-standard characters before the '@' symbol. We've highlighted them for you in red. Can reset pw but to get them to call and give me a verification code is impossible.the problem i had was this people would follow me & they locked me out when I tried to do what they wanted I couldn’t get back in at all i had at least more then 40000 followers I’m not sure if there’s a limit or not ?My problem is that I accidentally messed up my birth date (April 10 2002, I had it as 2001 by accident) so when I it back to 2002, it said they were “temporarily logging me out of my account and deleting it since I’m not 13 years of age.”. communications which is for press inquiries and employment verification which is explicit no support here even if you leave a message about it only job verification.
There are all sorts of issues, from apps that won’t install or code that won’t run to settings that don’t work right, login issues, hackings, and a whole lot more.
Enter your current address. Please enter a valid Vine ID. If you’ve never encountered a problem with Twitter, consider yourself lucky; the thousands of employees they keep on payroll are doing their jobs well enough that you never have to see the underside of functionality.For the rest of us, though, something has come up. As with all things, social media is quick to point out bad faith actors and “Woj, just say “Bless your heart.” It means the same thing. Twitter may have cut out 80% of their email support, but they really just pushed it to other contact methods, like these accounts. Tried to open a new account but because I had no followers yet, it wa banned the moment I replied to a tweet from someone. Appeal an account suspension Is your account hacked? It’s been more than a month since the problem started (when they rolled out their latest version) and it seems Twitter couldn’t care less so they won’t/can’t fix it.They put a little lock on my account, I imagine because someone didn’t like what I said. A first step before deleting the account could be deleting the password and typing it in again.Thanks. I’m not posting anything that is against any policy and their is no violation.I have been trying to reactivate a suspended account. One of them is quick and one of them is long, and neither is going to help you if support already won’t.If even a phone call fails you, I don’t know what to tell you. You must pass a Google reCAPTCHA challenge to proceed. Please enter a valid link. The problem, if anyone knows about it, is that I am not receiving email notifications (except an occasional random one). It’s so petty they can’t just provide any response that’s says anything.Can someone, anyone!, tell my why I still only have 140 characters on Twitter? Please provide the URL to the Periscope broadcast.
Anyone else who sent a ticket before your Wednesday ticket will take priority, unless they too sent a second ticket after you.Additionally, Twitter’s auto-responder messages are very important.
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