already dead.SAM: I do not think any price would be too high for a ticket home.SAM: Especially, since I’m not the one footing the bill. For me the ending where Sam goes back to U.S. is the best one. I like the whole "enemy of my enemy" dynamic with Captain and Tom vs. Klim leading to a (temporary) truce. Wir sagen Dir, was Du dabei beachten musst. I have finished Sam's Story DLC a few minutes ago, and when I finally reached the decision part, I felt like I'm really torn between two choices: either
To get the good ending you have to: During your first encounter with the Captain, lower the weapon and stop aiming at him.
Honestly, I could care less what happened to Sam after he completely disregarded Klim, a homicidal maniac, and let him get the jump on him and stab him. Bad Endings. Funny enough if you look into the game files, blowing up the sub is the "bad" outro. Well the simple answer to that would be, yes. Tom seems really not that bad and certainly not everybody onboard is bad. So killing all of them, just because IT MIGHT BE that Tom abuses the missiles seems wrong. I agree a bit. Well I reloaded and did both endings. I'm sure the question has been asked several times now, but does Metro Exodus - Sam's Story (DLC) have multiple different endings? Metro Exodus > General Discussions > Topic Details. ticket home.SAM: I was an alien in Moscow, and even more so over here, #8. Help the Captain move the wooden barricade during the second meeting with him. The Captn cant die, as he said he would have without traps. Mar 16, 2019 @ 12:57pm the good ending, Artyom and Anna survive and Artyom is commander of the order #9.
It was a little weird as 1 nuke can't possibly do that much damage to a nuclear wasteland. What ever happened to the original plan where the Captain could stay behind with anyone that didn't want to go with Tom? All rights reserved. Yes that pseudo moral ♥♥♥♥ was really annoying. Tom seems really not that bad and certainly not everybody onboard is bad. Everybody is evil, but no actually they are good. Just like with the main game there are two different endings that you can get with Metro Exodus - Sam's Story (DLC) and you can view them both below. Metro Exodus bad ending In his search for medicine to cure Anna's affliction, Artyom succumbs to the heavy radiation in the Dead City. So killing all of them, just because IT MIGHT BE that Tom abuses the missiles seems wrong. gamesgds; February 12, 2020; Walkthroughs; In this walkthrough, it will be shown all Sam’s Story, is the newly added, good and bad endings.