*One-way-fare including service charge, fuel surcharge, taxes and fees.
Haben Sie einen Flug mit SunExpress gebucht und dieser wurde durch die Airline storniert, dann haben Sie nun einige Möglichkeiten.
Limited availability. This service guarantees that the treatment and hospitalization costs after a definitive diagnosis of Covid-19 will be covered by Güneş Sigorta.
Here's what it means for you.So what does all this mean for consumers, especially when it comes to your miles and refunds? The annual routine maintenance will be carried out on both runways in the space of one week.
And to make sure that this remains the case during a pandemic, we have teamed up with our insurance partner For a safe and worry-free holiday in Turkey, we recommend you to take out this special Tourist Protection and Support Insurance.
News Germany: Lufthansa subsidiary SunExpress to shut down . SunExpress, a joint venture of Turkish Airlines and Lufthansa, restarted its international flights after a two-month hiatus due to the COVID-19 pandemic, it announced on Thursday.
We are sorry for this inconvenience.Flying is one of the safest ways of travel.
Sunexpress hat aufgrund der Beunruhigung wegen dem Coronavirus beschlossen, flexiblere Umbuchungsmöglichkeiten für alle internationalen Flüge einzuführen.