The wailing and gnashing of teeth could be heard almost exclusively from the country of Serbia, which had now lost the only reason why its country had been posted online to begin with. - 2012-01-18 15:01:51 UTC 2012-01-06 19:15:44 UTC
2012-01-13 12:57:44 UTC CCP watched me do it live. 2012-01-08 11:17:14 UTC - "It is with many hate in my heart that Circle-of-Two is many dead, comrade." Mirrors and enables advanced search options to browse the EVE-Online forums.
"GigglesX continued. - Information was exchanged as both sides tried to feel each other out for any in-game weaknesses, and towards the end of the first summit, Aryth thought that there was a slim chance that The Judge could be turned.“During the second summit, we knew that Co2 would be in trouble when the moon mining patch finally came along. 2012-01-23 17:24:03 UTC But they could tell I wasn’t happy, and Aryth was actually a sympathetic person to me.”A year after he had first noticed The Judge as a potential flip, in the weeks leading up to the first summit of the 12th CSM, Aryth could see through his network of spies that a chain of events was beginning that would embroil Circle of Two in a war, potentially shaking their diplomatic ties.“I saw an opportunity, and I laid out my plan to the other senior leadership, [and] they were horrified. “This heist is the first of its kind in the Citadel era of On September 11, Aryth made his fateful announcement to The Imperium. The main way for external parties to contact us is going through the Diplomatic team. For an hour, Aryth explained every detail of what had been happening, all the backstabbing, the crumbling alliances, the march to war. Fountain: Marko Kraljevic (Capsule) Circle-Of-Two: Keine D Ahnung (7) Tactical Supremacy: 10:46 55.08k-0.9 LBGI-2.
The cultures didn’t match, and they never had, and everyone knew it.” He went on to say that he regretted blindsiding the Imperium’s players, but that they “felt that it was the safest way for us to exit the coalition.”This event marked the point of no return for The Imperium during the war. 2012-01-17 15:20:56 UTC
"I went to Pandemic Legion, because Hedliner now letting refugees in with 25% kb efficiency!
Nagual is new to the dev team, but very interested in the meta game, so he was the perfect choice.
"One CO2 member typed in alliance chat, "How are we not even allowed to join Horde?" - So this vague message caught the attention of the 30,000 members of The Imperium who saw it.A few minutes later, it was followed by another cryptic message: “The next 24 hours are going to be glorious.” This itself was quickly followed by the punchline everyone had been eagerly awaiting. 2012-01-22 19:03:32 UTC
Real Requisite comment: I love reading about Eve, but god damn I never want to play it.Porsche Put 12 Pounds Of Extra Weight In My Car To Make It Nicer To Drive, So I Threw It AwayKenosha Chief of Police Blames Protesters For Alleged Fatal Shooting By Blue Lives Matter GoonHurricane Laura Is Heading for a City That Can’t Take Any MoreRolls-Royce Reworks Its Logo And Branding So People Will Stop Assuming They're A Budget Car Brand “Flipped Judge at Summit.
I am the best CSM in history.”Typically, discussions between members of the Council of Stellar Management are not made public, thanks to non-disclosure agreements. "A wave of shock hit every CO2 member at their computer. 2012-01-06 11:17:00 UTC that made him look like an impoverished Hulk Hogan. "
GigglesX continued. “The dinner was Saturday, Sunday was my birthday, and I didn’t want to spend my entire birthday on a plane, so I stayed in Iceland. - I stood on a podium wearing Amarr robes and a Fallout 76 Collectors Edition helmet, holding up my robes and then swung my circumcised penis around like a helicopter blade as CCP Games, enslaved by both a Goon-led CSM and the Republic of Korea, on pain of forced gender-bending vampirism, destroyed the current EVE Monument and constructed a fifty-foot tall statue of Boat wearing his Napoleonic military uniform.
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