Bennu is classified as a "potentially hazardous" asteroid because there's a one-in-2,700-chance that it will collide with Earth in the 22nd century.NASA Administrator Jim Bridenstine at the Planetary Defense Conference at the University of Maryland on April 29, 2019. NASA Warning, 4-Kilometer Planet-Killer Asteroïd Heading Towards Earth AN ASTEROID large enough to slaughter millions and cause worldwide annihilation has been captured surging our way on a “nearby methodology” direction. NASA’s asteroid hunters have identified yet another five close flybys due this week but, even more worryingly, they have also identified one space rock which will soon pass between Earth and the Moon. On Tuesday, asteroid 2020 MQ2 (42m), measuring five London buses in diameter, will pass us at 6.4 million kilometers, followed on Thursday by 2020 NM (21m or one-and-a-half times the height of the Hollywood sign), which will shoot past us at a safe distance of four million kilometers.Bringing up the rear on Friday will be the Arc de Triomphe-sized 2020 MX (48m), which will fly past at 5.6 million kilometers, ending yet another week of relatively close calls for our home planet. Isabel Vincent, NY Post. Asteroid 2011 ES4, which measures 160ft (49 meters), is expected to buzz the Earth at 29,375kph on September 1 at 10:49am EDT (3:49pm BST). However, on September 1 we’re set for a far closer encounter, when a 28-meter space rock, officially known as 2011 ES4, will skim past Earth at only one third of the distance between our planet and the moon.The visitor will whizz by at a speed of nearly 30,000 kilometers (18,600 miles) per hour. While the asteroid will come close to our atmosphere, the probability of it impacting earth is very small at just 0.41%.The space agency says there could be three potential impacts “based on 21 observations spanning 12.968 days, with the chance of a direct impact less than 1 per cent.”Rest assured, the agency has determined the asteroid probably won’t have a deep impact, let alone wipe out the planet.
A doomsday preacher has also issued a dire warning about the upcoming encounter. Credit: JPL/NASAAn asteroid is projected to zoom close to Earth on November 2 - the day before the presidential election - and isn’t that the omen we all needed in 2020. NASA has issued a warning that an asteroid is on a collision course with Earth, with impact due the day before the US election. Two asteroids are set to dart past Earth in the coming days, while NASA has warned about an impending close shave with an airplane-sized space rock. It’s up to us to make sure that we are characterizing, detecting, tracking all of the near-Earth objects that could be a threat to the world.”According to scientific modeling systems, such events are expected to happen once every 60 years — but Bridenstine pointed out that destructive meteorites had crashed on the earth three times in the last century.In 2018, the White House published an action plan that required NASA to detect, track and characterize 90 percent of near-Earth objects measuring 140 meters (460 feet) in diameter — but Bridenstine admitted on Monday that the space agency had a long way to go to meet that goal.“We’re only about a third of the way there,” he said. Mercifully, given its somewhat small diameter, even if it were to stray off course and actually hit us, it would not be the end of life as we know it, though it would certainly pack a punch. Picture: Supplied.According to NASA, this year could end with a bang.Scientists recently spotted an asteroid on a direct collision course to Earth — projected to hit a day before the presidential elections in November.The flying space object, known as 2018VP1, is expected on Nov. 2, according to the Center for Near Objects Studies at NASA’s Jet Propulsion Laboratory.The asteroid is 6.5 feet in diameter, according to NASA data, and first identified at the Palomar Observatory in California two years ago.It’s 2020 so an asteroid is headed toward Earth on the day before the election. NASA is currently tracking a massive potentially hazardous asteroid that is expected to approach Earth this month. The asteroid, which was first spotted last week, is estimated to clear us with a comfortable distance of around 498,000 km (310,000 miles) - around 1.3 times further away than our Moon . 08:00 GMT, Aug 26, 2020