IFHE will buff your 105mm gun penetration from 17mm to 23mm and your 150mm from 37mm to 49mm. So you don't need EL for 1 point if you do that, not like you'll be using HE hardly in that case on Bismark with main guns having a low fire chance of 32% and with no fire chance bonus like RN BB's get to make up for it like on Vanguard for example (which also has 34% fire chance). PM on Bismarck has only one single purpose, which is keeping turrets alive, as the rudder and machinery only can get knocked out by eating torps or AP bombs. Pretend I made a funny one.~11km secondary range DD Torps are a very close second.Not that I'm claiming to be a good Bismarck player (my early noobish Tirpitz play is downright poor, and although I'm 59% in my incomplete bizzy, that's only over the course of 17 games (all within the current meta, FWIW), but I'm certainly interested in what the people here think. The max range isn't as long as Bismarck's; however, it's all HE and seems like it goes out 360 degrees around the ship. I have experience in secondary Bismarck and I play her rather successful (in contrast to some other commentators): Meanwhile, noone cares if fire chance is 30%, 32%, 34% or 35% (which is Monarch). T6 DD 4 km from your ship? Does anyone has any idea if Basic Fire training ( 10 % ROF ) beats Demolition Expert ( 2 % more fire chance ) in damage when it comes to BB secondaries ? Or if - 3 % fire chance actually is compensated by 10 % higher rof ( and more when you lose health ) with IFHS CV is the sole ship where I don't find this useful.
In a BB, I can tank plenty and take action accordingly.And I'm typically not bothered much by DDs. Just use it as an ambush ship. After all, you use main guns every battle unlike secondaries... unless you yolo hard and consistently every battle With the right upgrades and commander skills, her secondary battery range can be extended past 11.0 km, allowing Bismarck to whittle down enemy ships before closing in for the kill. Either the enemy CV is incompetent enough to lose most aircraft to flak and not get a good drop or you eat damage regardless.
Secondary armament consisted of a mixed battery of 15cm and 10.5cm dual purpose guns. To address the OP and add some overkill, see below.Assuming full secondary build, here are notable ships listed by descending order of range. Modules = Aux Arms Mod + Sec Battery Mod. 1 - EL (you have better HE with "DE skill" used, so EL will be more useful now for switching ammo types faster) With the Bismarck secondary build and the flag you can get 11.3km secondaries You are talking about Tirps though. [RDBF]
When you do something you do it to the max, or you don''t do it as it will be half-baked and not efficient So I guess my build (and playstyle) has a point. Once the target gets in secondary range switch to AP and let the secondaries start the fires for you. ; Has access to the Hydroacoustic Search consumable, making her very difficult to torpedo … I don't, as the Bismark AP pen is pretty good, while the HE sucks on fire chance. Or if - 3 % fire chance actually is compensated by 10 % higher rof ( and more when you lose health ) with IFHS With the Bismarck secondary build and the flag you can get 11.3km secondaries I'm sharing the captain with my Tirpitz, so the Preventative Maintenance is essential for torpedo tube survivability, I'd prolly swap it for a second catapult fighter and thus better AA if the captain was being used exclusively with the Bismarck. (1) PT: With a secondary build your are close up to the enemy and you need to know when DD are torp you. And in both cases the AA gets boosted as well. Too dependent on fire RNG and secondary accuracy RNG to give a straight answer. The propulsion upgrade is the next best module to invest experience gains in; having all 31 knots to play with gives To log in, select the region where your account is registeredNo boost to continuous damage in a reinforced sector.The enemy is alerted that a bearing has been taken. I have this on 3 of my ships, Bismarck, Izumo, and Yamato.Bismarck has wicked secondaries if well equipped. With the Bismarck secondary build and the flag you can get 11.3km secondaries You can't go wrong with more heals.But if I have to keep both of them to actually get the 20% increase, well then that's what I'll have to do ^^,I think you have misunderstood slightly. The main armor belt had a thickness of 320mm, although on Tirpitz it was slightly thinner at 315mm. I'm kind of leaning toward Manual secondaries because I would like better dispersion and the fact that I can get 9.0km secondary range with the secondary range upgrade. The max range isn't as long as Bismarck's; however, it's all HE and seems like it goes out 360 degrees around the ship. [RDBF] Edited February 15, 2018 by DinJoe.