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© E s war der große Knaller der E3 2019: Ganz unerwartet kündigte Nintendo „The Legend of Zelda – Breath of the Wild 2“ für die Switch an. You will receive a verification email shortly.There was a problem. Forget Breath of the Wild 2, Zelda fans are going to love this updateZelda Breath of the Wild 2 release date news - 2020 launch boost for Nintendo Switch? See today's front and back pages, download the newspaper, Call of Duty, Zelda, FIFA - Ultimate Christmas gift guide for gamersAnd there's a good reason why the fifth DLC character for Smash could be announced at The Game Awards 2019.Zelda Breath of the Wild 2 release date news - 2020 launch boost for Nintendo Switch? The sequel to The Legend of Zelda… A new Zelda Game for Switch, Cadence of Hyrule, crosses the world of Legend of Zelda with the rhythmic action of Crypt of the Necrodancer. NY 10036. It was the last mainline Zelda game before Breath of the Wild (2017) on the Nintendo Switch, and is well due a port for the expanded audience of Nintendo's bestselling hybrid console. Learn more Go to official site for The Legend of Zelda: Link's Awakening for Nintendo Switch. The 2011 instalment in the beloved Nintendo franchise launched originally on the Nintendo Wii, with a release on the Wii U eShop in 2016. It would be exciting to see elements from so many different past games appear in BOTW 2, with the trailer seeming to show off iconography from the Twili in Twilight Princess, while also presumably keeping a lot of BOTW's open word elements and characters – being a direct sequel and all.BOTW 2 hasn't got any further reveals from Nintendo over the Given how integral the Wii's motion controls were to Skyward Sword's combat, too, there's plenty of potential for the Joy-Con's capabilities to be shown off – you know, if they Sign up to get breaking news, reviews, opinion, analysis and more, plus the hottest tech deals!Thank you for signing up to TechRadar.

It was the last mainline Zelda game before While there's been no official announcement of the port from Nintendo – and the listing itself has now been pulled from Amazon – the listing was clearly for Nintendo Switch and carried a slightly eyebrow-raising £69.99 RRP, while specifying that the title "has not yet been released".What lends this further credence is the upcoming 35-year anniversary of the Legend of Zelda series, coming in 2021 – coincidentally also the 10-year anniversary of Skyward Sword's release.While we suspect the listing was legitimate, there's no telling how early the information has leaked. Zelda Breath of the Wild 2 is arguably the biggest This showed Link and Zelda exploring a Hyrule looking much worse for wear, with it appearing Breath of the Wild 2 will have a darker tone than BoTW.It’s possible that Breath of the Wild 2 could be the Majora’s Mask to Breath of the Wild’s Ocarina of Time in terms of tone and feel.It remains to be seen when Nintendo will next update Zelda Breath of the Wild 2 fans with new footage or a release date announcement.It’s possible that news could come at the Game Awards next week, with the original Breath of the Wild featuring at three previous TGA events.Given Breath of the Wild’s past history with the Geoff Keighley fronted event, BoTW 2 could potentially next surface at this year’s Game Awards.And ahead of the event taking place next week Zelda Breath of the Wild 2 fans may have been given an update on the game’s release date.While most retailers currently have Zelda Breath of the Wild 2 as having a ‘to be announced’ release date, one store has listed a date.Online retailer Base.com is currently taking pre-orders for Zelda Breath of the Wild 2 and have listed a date for when it’s “due for release”.Base.com has listed Zelda Breath of the Wild 2 as having a release date in 2020, specifically on December 30.It remains to be seen if Breath of the Wild 2 launches then, with the date likely to be a placeholder for when the next Zelda game will be out.But it is interesting Base are listing BoTW 2 as having a release date during 2020 when other shops aren’t nailing their colours to the mast on that front.It remains to be seen when Breath of the Wild 2 will get launched, and whether Nintendo reveals more on BoTW 2 this year.As mentioned earlier, it’s possible Breath of the Wild 2 could feature at the upcoming Game Awards 2019 event.For fans in the UK, they’ll be able to tune in to all the announcements from the event in LA from the early hours of Friday December 13.It’s rumoured that some other big Nintendo announcements could also be taking place during the Game Awards 2019.Nintendo are still yet to announce the fifth and final DLC character for the first Smash Bros Ultimate Fighters Pass.Last year’s event was where the first Smash Bros DLC character - Joker from Persona 5 - was revealed.Nintendo are also rumoured to have two unannounced Metroid games in the works in addition to Metroid Prime 4.One of these titles is a Metroid Prime HD Trilogy compilation, the other is a remake of classic SNES title Super Metroid.It’s believed this will be in a similar vein to the Game Boy remake of Samus Returns. newspaper archive.Breath of the Wild is overrated: Zelda sequel MUST make these changesBreath of the Wild 2 release date LEAK: Switch sequel coming soonZelda Breath of the Wild 2 release date news - 2020 launch boost for Nintendo Switch? order back issues and use the historic Daily Express

Explore a reimagined Koholint Island in one of the most beloved games in the Legend of Zelda series. The Nindies Showcase Spring 2019 showed off a range of new indie titles coming to the Switch. Zelda Breath of the Wild 2 release date gets 2020 boost for Nintendo Switch ZELDA Breath of the Wild 2 fans hoping BoTW 2 has a release date on Nintendo Switch … There are many exciting games soon to come, including Cuphead for Switch.But one of the best was saved for last. Play video from The Legend of Zelda: Link's Awakening for Nintendo Switch. The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild 2 is in development and is, without a doubt, one of the most highly-anticipated games coming to Nintendo Switch.. New York, Featured games. Please refresh the page and try again.TechRadar is part of Future US Inc, an international media group and leading digital publisher.

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