18hod. V řadě 14 a 15 sedadla 10-15 je umístěn zvukový pult. Kala worries for him and goes off to find him. Suddenly, gunshots are heard throughout the jungle, causing the tribe to scatter, but Tarzan investigates. Jane returns to the site with Tarzan, and she is thrilled by the tribe of gorillas. In the African Jungle, Kerchak, the leader of a tribe of gorillas admires his new infant son with his mate, Kala ("Two Worlds"). Tarzan ist ein Musical des britischen Musikers, Songwriters und Musikproduzenten Phil Collins und des US-amerikanischen Schriftstellers David Henry Hwang.Es basiert auf dem Zeichentrickfilm Tarzan der Walt Disney Studios aus dem Jahr 1999 und der von dem US-amerikanischen Schriftsteller Edgar Rice Burroughs erdachten Figur Tarzan.Die Uraufführung fand am 10. The review notes that much of the cast perform the songs as Adult Contemporary numbers as opposed to Broadway songs, and concludes by saying that "as a musical work Tarzan represents a lost opportunity to make a good pop musical. The songs are written by Phil Collins with a book by David Henry Hwang. It's a shame; his words are as bad as his music is good". Délka představení Tarzan: 2h 30 min včetně přestávky. Tarzan and Jane carefully assess each other as they realize their similar qualities ("Different"). Allmusic gave the album a rating of 3 out of 5 stars, stating: "Collins seems to understand that theater lyrics, perhaps even more than pop-song lyrics, need to be concise to get dramatic points across quickly and clearly. As a young child, Tarzan finds that he cannot keep up with the tribe, while Kerchak views him as a threat. Tarzan je nejzpracovávanější knižní, televizní a filmovou postavou.
As the rest of the gorillas arrive to say goodbye to Tarzan, they are suddenly attacked by Clayton, who is more than determined to kill the gorillas once and for all. TARZAN entführt die Zuschauer in den Dschungel. As Tarzan shows the humans his gorilla family, Kerchak arrives anyway, scattering the humans and demanding that Tarzan choose who he is. The gorilla tribe, led by Kala, convinces Tarzan that they need him to stay ("Sure As Sun Turns To Moon (Reprise)"), and Tarzan becomes the new leader of the gorillas. Sabor suddenly appears and kidnaps the newborn baby gorilla. However, Kerchak finds Tarzan constructing a spear, and assuming he intends to hurt the gorillas, he exiles him from the gorilla tribe ("No Other Way"). A dying Kerchak apologizes to Tarzan for not understanding him and finally accepts him as his son. A workshop was held in 2004, with Daniel Manche as the Child Tarzan, Due to poor ticket sales, the show closed on July 8, 2007 after 35 previews and 486 performances.Off the West African coast, a young English couple and their newborn son barely survive a shipwreck and land in Africa. Tarzan arrives to say goodbye to them, until Jane realizes that she loves Tarzan and, with Porter's blessing, decides to stay with him in the jungle. čtvrtek jsou s anglickými titulky. Jane tries to convince her father, Professor Porter, and their guide, Clayton, that she discovered a wild man and a tribe of apes. Despite this, Tarzan is befriended by the lighthearted Terk, a young gorilla who teaches him the ways of the gorillas ("Who Better Than Me"). Years pass, and Tarzan grows into a young man, athletic and resourceful ("Son of Man"), accepted by many of the gorillas as one of their own, except for Kerchak. November in Stuttgart das Disney-Musical „Tarzan“ Premiere feiern. She tries to tell her father to stop Clayton's plans of killing the gorillas, but Clayton, wanting to achieve his goal, tricks Tarzan into taking the humans to the gorilla nesting grounds. Atemberaubender Akrobatik über den Köpfen des Publikums fantastische Songs von Phil Collins ♫ Spektakuläre Stunts und aufwendige Affenkostüme ♫ die Aufführungen verlangen den Darstellern viel Körperbeherrschung ab ♫ überzeugen Sie sich selbst & sichern Sie sich Tickets! Režisér Libor Vaculík se po mnoha úspěšných muzikálech zaměřil na broadwayskou špičku. At the beach, Jane and Porter are about to leave on their ship to return to England. Kerchak won't change his mind until Tarzan kills the leopard that has been terrorizing the tribe. Tarzan asks Terk to help him by keeping Kerchak away, and Terk agrees ("Who Better Than Me (Reprise)"). It starred Dan Domenech as Tarzan and The show received mixed reviews. Die Uraufführung fand am 10. Tarzan approaches Jane and Porter, announcing his intention to leave the jungle and be with Jane. She mothers him and raises him despite Kerchak's refusal to treat Tarzan as his son ("You'll Be In My Heart"). Tarzan fights Clayton and nearly kills him, but Porter convinces him to spare his life and that they can handle Clayton in a less violent way, and Clayton is grabbed by the man that was accompanying him and taken back to the ship to await punishment for his actions. He shoots Kerchak when he takes a bullet meant for Tarzan, fatally wounding the gorilla leader.