176 (factor) * 24.000 (Expedition points) = 4224.000 metal. Additionally they can find items out on expeditions.
This is not useful to use more fight ship, because there are a risk with aliens or pirates. Small Cargo: 20 But hey at the end congrats on yours profits. Here the formula: It is a constant that gives huge resources in early and mid stage when you work hard for sending fleet to do expedition.
Another advice, a lot of players prefer put a bomber, to avoid big fight against the aliens and pirates.
Players think they can also get in on the rewards when they are General or Collector class, but they are hugely mistaken: https://board.en.ogame.gamefor…ostID=7080352#post7080352 3) Go for the pirates or aliens: Yes, it's a thing.
It is a constant that gives huge resources in early and mid stage when you work hard for sending fleet to do expedition. Here the probability of each events:
You need help about the Wiki? The number of expedition depends of this technology. What happen during the expeditions?
24% crystal And each time you start an expedition, the expectation of income is around 0.22% building SI cost. He is in an orange box! Therefore overpowered to other classes.And high economic points is not means high resource production under this kind of situation.Originally, higher economic points means bigger mines and the production increases exponentially that makes mines give large amount of resources. OGame is available in multiple languages, and different nationalities have their own communities. -0,7% of the expedition finds a merchant.
9) Black hole: Light Fighter: 20 OGame was created in 2002 and is produced and maintained by Gameforge. (including deut consumption)20% just marginal, almost no profit, 60% is OP (still risky).If there is no limitation, the setting needs careful calculations, something like:Someone say "Oh, that's no profit at all, I will not send huge fleet to expedition." Collectors just need to stay off and all its bonuses go on. This weekend I did maybe 70expos, and in total i might have gotten 200M, but that means i was 10-12 h online. Paizo announced a second edition of Pathfinder in 2018. - 0,33% of the expedition the whole fleet or in partial can be lost. It’s depending of the top 1. 8) Find nothing:
Example: If you have a X-Large discovery and the factor of multiplication is 176 with the top 1 over 100M points (So the maximum of expedition points are 24.000):
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5) Find aliens: 68,5% metal The books in the Accessories produced include gridded maps, both specific to adventures and generic.
They make the other classes look more attractive, and are dishonest about the true bonus of the Discoverer class. - 5,8% of the expedition meet pirates.
But the progress to Discover is much faster due to high constant of expedition loot. And someone argues mine productions will eventually beat expedition income.As I said, expedition DF gives fixed ROI, it will give us reasonable income even in late state with tremendous fleet (I don't know the capped DF still exists or not under current setting).It is also over powered when high DF (OP from early stage to final stage).After my rough calculation , current 20% DF gives just marginal profit: 1 deut give around 1 metal and 1 crystal or less consider all types of pirate, all types of alien, and black holes according to their published the probability with proper fleet combination. Position eines beliebigen Sonnensystems geschickt werden. They have you combat technology -3 (If you have technologies 10/10/10, they have I need to play, I need to send expos every 2 hours to get resources/items/ships. Since 2009, Ogame has included the new technology: astrophysics. 7/7/7). You need to have 1 Destroyer, 1 Espionage probes and Small/Large Cargo. You can't find death star, colony ship and recycler.
Therefore overpowered to other classes.And high economic points is not means high resource production under this kind of situation.Originally, higher economic points means bigger mines and the production increases exponentially that makes mines give large amount of resources.
Register yourself now and be a part of our community!Sorry if this has been answered before, i did look on the forums and wiki but got contradicting info.Does Discoverer class get a 400% increase in reward for expeditions .
If you are really lucky, you have 1% of chance to have a X-Large discovery with the factor of multiplication with the expedition points is 100 to 200. These can be done by careful calculation. Their construction method is optimised for pushing into unknown territory. If you send 80 times a day, You get 17.6% , it is not much and highly risky.
The size of the aliens fleet are between 40% to 120% of you structural integrity points. (resource, ship) Example, 5x eco in new uni,… 4) Find pirates:
First, to be able to send an expedition, you need to have astrophysics.
Like the first edition, it made use of an open playtest to refine various mechanics of gameplay.Among key changes in the second edition is a streamlined action economy. However, you can have a fight, lost ships. You can also have a large discovery with 10% of chance, the factor of multiplication with the expedition points is 50 to 100. A simple OGame combat simulator, TrashSim allows you to simulate your battles to maximize your profit.
large package: 1.000-1.800 DM Brute force, if it's not working, you ain't using enough.Cosmo and Leda said 400%, they were the first new English speaking unis using the class format, and the first without merchants. Link to wiki help You want to help us? 4 time more rss and ships upon discovery ?. Battlecruiser: 350 Feel free to follow it or not, your choice.The ROI of expedition DF is fixed. If you would like to use all features of this site, it is mandatory to enable JavaScript. - 9% of the expedition.
The OGame Wiki. What we need to put to maximize the expedition for find ships, resources? (resource, ship, DM)If you are a Discoverer, you gain ((1+0.5)xeco)x profit.
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