MB Beteiligungsgesellschaft mbH Initial notification MB Beteiligungsgesellschaft mbH Financial instrument linked to a share or a debt instrument Person closely associated
04.05.2020 MB Beteiligungsgesellschaft mbH c/o Wirecard AG Initial notification
Legal person, company or institution closely associated
Wirecard AG UTC±0 04/23/2020 Wirecard AG Legal person, company or institution closely associated Description of financial instrument:
Wirecard AG MB Beteiligungsgesellschaft mbH c/o Wirecard AG We are using cookies to deliver the best service to you. Find the perfect solution for you and your industryHow digital enterprises can make their payment processes simple and secureOmnichannel and more: what’s driving the growth of today’s physical retailHow the travel & mobility sector is reinventing itself with optimized payment processesFinTechs and financial institutions find an innovative partner in WirecardFrom visionaries to innovation drivers: learn who and what are behind Wirecard and its businessPress releases, media reports, and events: stay up to date on everything related to Wirecard#wirecard: Connect with us on social media and stay informed about trends and new topicsWe’re looking for talented individuals: Join our team and actively help to create the future of paymentsLearn about Wirecard from annual reports, presentation, news, and moreWhat will the future of payment be like? MB Beteiligungsgesellschaft mbH c/o Wirecard AG You can change your cookie settings at any time. Further information on the purpose and use of the cookies used and how to remove them can be found in our
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Wirecard AG Wirecard AG informs customers and partners about current business operations. Initial notification
DGAP-News 27/06/2020. Wirecard AG
Member of the administrative or supervisory body Wirecard AG
Wirecard AG
Wirecard AG 06/19/2020
Outside a trading venue MB Beteiligungsgesellschaft mbH c/o Wirecard AG Description of financial instrument: Legal person, company or institution closely associated UTC+2 Wirecard AG Wirecard AG Initial notification Description of financial instrument:
Legal person, company or institution closely associated
Initial notification Die erste zu beobachtende Unterstützung ist die 50-Stunden-Linie (grüne Linie, 12.310 Punkte), während die 12.150-Punkte-Marke als zweite Unterstützung dient. Wirecard AG 06/18/2020
Burkhard Ley Der Grund liegt in aktuellen Mitteilungen der beiden die Treuhandkonten seit 2019 führenden Banken, wonach die betreffenden Kontonummern nicht zugeordnet werden konnten. Our experts share their knowledge and experience with youLearn more about the success stories of our customersLearn more about innovative payment solutions and products by WirecardHere we provide you with deep insights - studies, infographics and reportsHere you will find tutorials and a direct contact to our support teamHow customers use our solutions and what services we offerHere you will find our declaration of compliance with the German Corporate Governance Code, as well as notifications about directors‘ dealings of management personnel.
By continuing to browse the site, you are agreeing to our use of cookies. Financial instrument linked to a share or a debt instrument UTC+2
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