The Tiger II is best used as a sniper (mainly due to its powerful gun); but when needed it can provide direct support for advancing units.When used as a sniper, it is best that you find a position with a good overview of the battlefield.
The Tiger I contained the large The tank utilized a torsion-bar suspension system in a The Tiger I, as innovative as it is to tank warfare, was a strain on German war production. A serious drawback of the Porsche turret was its streamlined front, which was prone to making projectiles ricochet into the roof of the tank's hull. This example was then captured by the Red Army and tipped off the Allies of the development of the new Tiger tanks and so developments in countermeasures began.
The armour on this variant is the same as on the regular Tiger II (H). A Tiger II vs Tiger II fight usually ends in less than 25 seconds, sometimes lasting as little as 2 seconds using 2 shells or less to achieve the destruction of one of them. The concept drawing Krupp made was for the Tiger II to be rearmed with a 10.5 cm KwK L/68 cannon. If you try to move ahead in the face of an enemy you will end with a dead transmission, a fire and possibly some knocked out crew members, or just destroyed.
In situations like this, you will quickly realize that the high weight and sheer size of the tank can cause major problems.
Using your best AP round for this is recommended since the frontal turret has a fairly thick (but flat) plate, if nothing else works try APCR.
The impact the Tiger had on the battlefield as the superior tank at its introduction created fame to the commanders and crew operating this tank, further fueling the Tiger's reputation in the war as a killing machine. Entgegen seiner Bezeichnung war er keine verbesserte Version des Panzerkampfwagens VI Tiger, sondern eine weitgehende Neukonstruktion. The demolition carrier version was interpreted by Allied intelligence as a In its introduction, Hitler ordered the new Tigers to be used in the Leningrad siege in September 1942. Henschel, on the other hand, used a more conventional design in their tank layout, but the end result look no way similar to their previous heavy tank design The Tiger II is just massive in size. The external row was removed. Thus, knowing the terrain and destination is of the utmost importance to preserve its mobility to its fullest extent. The tank's ammunition capacity was increased by 12 shells, thanks to an additional rack mounted inside the turret. A crew of 5-6 operated the tank, whose combat weight was 70.5 tons.
When "sniping" it is best to wait for the enemy to expose their weak points, fire a steady, accurate shot and retreat to a safe position. It was introduced to the main tree during the Closed Beta Test for Ground Forces before Update 1.41 as a main tree vehicle, however, as of Update 1.91 "Night Vision" it was shifted to become a gift vehicle for players who previously owned it. To avoid this, it is best to stay in the back (not too far from your team), keeping your tank positioned at an angle and using "peek-a-boo" techniques.
"In August 1942, the companies Nibelungenwerke, led by Ferdinand Porsche, and Henschel & Sohn AG, under the direction of Erwin Aders, received technical specifications for a tank with thicker armor than the Tiger I, placed at the same large angles of inclination as that on the T-34.
Take care of reading about your enemy's different ammo options, remember that just looking at the penetration values under the short description is not enough, since most tanks will have better options when it comes to ammunition. This does not mean you should stay put in a single spot, or camp a location like a tank destroyer (which are designed to camp): you have mobility, so keep moving or you will attract a lot of attention, only to find out too late that someone took his sweet time to travel 1.5km to your position to deliver you a shell to the side.
Porsche's turrets had a streamlined shape, and the commander's cupola was accommodated by a curved bulge on the turret's side. The Tiger II is best used as a sniper (mainly due to its powerful gun); but when needed it can provide direct support for advancing units.
Jump to: 4414 Report post; Posted November 4, 2017 (edited ... Go to "War Thunder/UserSights" folder.
The Tiger is best used on the flanks of the current maps, as these are usually more open and allow good use of its armour and excellent gun. Dem Tiger II konnten bei Frontalbeschuss die Panzerjäger Der Panzerkampfwagen VI Tiger II konnte 80 (Porsche-Turm) bzw. Being comfortable with kilometer long shots is a must in this tank.
The first thing you want to do is deny the Tiger II of the advantage of its gun by getting as close as possible while keeping clear of its cannon (the closer you get, the better the penetration values for you and the Tiger II) most Tiger II operators will avoid getting flanked at all costs so you might find yourself forced to face one from the front.
Today, there are 10 Tiger IIs in varying conditions left in the world. © 2010—2020 by Gaijin Entertainment.
The lower glacis is a weak spot but the transmission right behind it often takes most of the shrapnel, it can catch fire pretty easily though, meaning researching FPE should be done as soon as possible. High caliber HEAT ammo is also unaffected by distance and if it penetrates it can cause heavy damage to your tank. Despite that, the Tiger I proved superior in terms of armour and armament against the Allies and created massive losses among their armoured forces, causing many soldiers to keep an eye out for the infamous "Tigers".
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