sword art online integral knights

sword art online integral knights

The Knights who apprehend violators of the Taboo Index have their memories of the action suppressed, so that the Integrity Knights would continue to believe in the lie of their origin and so that they wouldn't be surprised when the former prisoners become new Integrity Knights. However, the art can only be fully revoked when the fragment of memory that was replaced with the Piety Module is returned to the victim. Later, after Quinella found out that there was a limit to her memory capacity, it was used to create a backup of her own memories in the Fluctlight of a young nun before deleting her own unnecessary memories. Specifically, it was first used to delete her own emotions safely, so that the error correcting sub-program of the Cardinal could not take control of her body. An «Integrity Knight» (整合騎士, Seigou Kishi?

With all her strength, she repelled the attack, and forced the giant to collapse. Dakira immediately dropped the handle and used her bare hands to intercept the hammer. With BlueStacks, it is possible to play Sword Art Online Integral Factor in your local language. Although the Integrity Knights were initially created as escorts to help defend Quinella from Cardinal, ever since the beginning phase of the «load experimental phase», eight Integrity Knights are dispatched to guard the Edge of the Human Empire against the creatures of the Dark Territory, while several more are dispatched to supervise various regions of the Human Empire.

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(Black Knight) Kirito. However, not all Integrity Knights are past tournament winners or criminals who broke the Taboo Index. The Module is inserted in the place where the memories of the victim's most loved person are usually kept, therefore stimulation of these memories causes the prism to fall out. Sword Art Online: Integral Factor Wiki ist eine FANDOM-Videospiele-Community. The Module is inserted in a way that it would obstruct the links between such memories, thus sealing the history of the victim and instead creating false memories while simultaneously forcing in absolute loyalty towards the Axiom Church. The main difference is that the ritual conducted on the Integrity Knights also involve the use of a «Piety Module»As a person's learned abilities are greatly linked to the person's memories, erasing all of the victim's memories would cause the victim to lose their secret swordsmanship moves and Sacred Arts techniques, therefore Quinella only obstructed the most personal memories. Fizel and Linel, for example, were born as experimental subjects for Quinella's resurrection experiment and, after the experiment was scrapped, they were allowed to choose their next Sacred Task. However, about twelve or thirteen Knights are always present at the Central Cathedral to defend Quinella. Kirito is introduced after saving them from a strong monster encounter. From Sword Art Online: Integral Factor Wiki. Bearbeiten. Fizel and Linel, due to their age and lack of knowledge, were assigned to learn law and The Integrity Knights are also the ones who are sent to capture major criminals both in the capital and the remote regions of the Human Empire and bring them to the Central Cathedral, where the criminals are forcefully turned into new Integrity Knights. Jump to: navigation, search. As she was a low-ranking Integrity Knight without a Divine Object-class weapon, Darkira was selected to be one of the members of the «Four Oscillation Blades», a unit of low-ranking knights under the command of Fanatio Synthesis Two. Versionen Kommentare Teilen. The Synthesis Ritual was tested on captured Underworld residents with high Transgression Quotients and initially developed as a command that would allow Quinella to manipulate her own Fluctlight. Originally, the purpose of the Integrit… But to her surprise, Fanatio spoke kindly towards Dakira rather than harshly. After Cardinal took control of the nun's body, which had authority equal to Quinella's at the time, and escaped into the Great Library Room, where Quinella could not reach her, Quinella started using the Synthesis Ritual on her previous experimental subjects as well as any new captives who had broken the Taboo Index or had won the Four Empires Unity Tournament to turn them into absolutely loyal warriors under her command. All Knights are usually dispatched to a different region than the one that the Knight comes from to keep them away from their families to sever the Knight's connection to his/her past. system-wise, is a dragon knight and the main military force of the Axiom Church. Dakira had short, straw-colored pigtails and freckled cheeks, which were hidden behind a steel-crossed mask during battle. High-ranking Integrity Knights are usually armed with The name of the ritual signifies the unification of the soul and memory of the person. Dakira was equipped with a greatsword that was far sharper than those of the guards, but not as powerful as a A girl blessed with the strength of a man, Dakira was born and raised in a small village in the Southacroith South Empire in a poor and nameless family of fishermen. Even though they chose being Integrity Knights as their Sacred Task, they only became Integrity Knights after killing the previous twenty-eighth and twenty-ninth Integrity Knights. The Synthesis Ritual conducted on the Integrity Knights slightly differs from the ones used on Quinella's research subjects. This is the story of how you succeed in Aincrad. Soul cost SP cost Cooldown ; 16 : 34 : 15s : Offensive skill record for 1H swords. At that moment, she made a firm decision to not allow any harm to befall her.On the 7th Day of the 11th month, when Fanatio faced the giant chief Sigurosig and was about to be hit by its hammer while petrified by Sigurosig's Incarnation, Dakira dashed towards Fanatio, disregarding her previous order, the moment she felt an abnormality in Fanatio's state.

As of Material Edition 28, the two are still considered as Integrity Knight trainees as they have yet to undertake the «Synthesis Ritual».Take your favorite fandoms with you and never miss a beat. After he briefly gives them tips about fighting monsters and leaves, the beta test soon ends and the MC and Koharu say their goodbyes. Unbeknownst to her, however, the altar was connected to the As an Integrity Knight, Dakira was judged to be at risk if assigned to the front lines due to lacking power.

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