weinähr lahn

weinähr lahn

Devblog . Is it something like: If you have a tier 1 vehicle that you use to research tier 5 you get less rp than with a tier 4 vehicle with the same research point bonus (there are none but this is an example).
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... War Thunder.

For a new USSR player looking for a fighter there’s either the I-16 Type 18, the LaGG-3-8 or, if you click on the I-15, then the next option in that stack is the I-15bis. As the game currently is with the British tank line being implemented in chunks, will the RP accumulate with an unspecified vehicle and then I’ll be able to use said points when the tanks are released? Once I hit the reaserch button, what plane do I fly?You can fly anything in Tier I or II to research the PBY, there’s nothing with a particular bonus towards it.I think it’s still generally accurate, isn’t it? Climbing the ranks with US aircraft - War Thunder Official Channel Pages in category "USA aircraft" The following 136 pages are in this category, out of 136 total. Another battle or two should be enough to finish the research, especially if the team wins (victories grant a hefty RP bonus). Premium aircraft are bought with Gold Eagles (the real money currency), and don’t need to be researched; Gift aircraft are generally available in bundles, or sometimes in promotions or giveaways.To progress through the ranks you need to unlock a certain number of aircraft, shown under the Roman numeral on the left; in the screenshot I’ve got three Rank I aircraft and need six in total before I can research a Rank II aircraft, then I’ll need to research four of Rank II before I can start on Rank III.To unlock a specific plane you’ll need to have researched the previous plane in its line (connected via an arrow). Convertible research point (Convertible RP) is an "experience" point that can be directed to the study of any vehicle of any nation and can be done so via the premium currency Each vehicle has RP and game currency multipliers, which can be found in their respective vehicle cards. ), and in general you should meet opponents with Battle Ratings up to 1.0 higher or lower than your highest BR.To research an aircraft, simply click the “Research” button just underneath it. Many players are upset that this tank will disappear from the regular research tree. Mistakingly, I put a german panther (5.7) into research. Convertible research point is given the same, total amount of RP as gained in combat and not deducted or divided from the total Convertible research point (Convertible RP) is an "experience" point that can be directed to the study of any vehicle of any nation and can be done so via t… How do I remove the panther and choose something at level 2?Just click the icon below the Panther (with two arrow icons), and you should be able to replace it with a lower level tank; if you haven’t got anything suitable then use the “Send on holiday” option to leave the slot empty until you finish research on something else.how do you research a level 1 uk aircraft is there is nothing before it, i really need 2 know as im researching a lv 1 bomber nowJust pick the aircraft you want to research if there’s nothing before it in the tree, there’s no special requirements, you’ll research it with whatever you fly.Great guide. If one tries to use said CRP points, one ends up paying more in real money "Golden Eagles" than one would have spent by actually purchasing an elite vehicle of similar class from the online store.
You also get convertible research points that you can convert into regular research points using Gold Eagles, the total of these is shown at the top of the screen next to the yellow light bulb icon.Anyway~! For a new USSR player looking for a fighter there’s either the I-16 Type 18, the LaGG-3-8 or, if you click on the I-15, then the next option in that stack is the I-15bis. Over on the right hand side of the tree are Premium and Gift aircraft, with a yellow/gold background. Or will the points just be converted into “free RP”?I’m afraid the extra points just accumulate as convertible RP rather than building up for the other tanks once they’re available.I’m a newbie. The higher the multiplier, the more RP and SL the vehicle will earn. All trademarks are property of their respective owners in the US and other countries. As the title says.


All rights reserved. You play the game (random battle or events), any Research Points you gained will go to the vehicle you have selected for research.

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weinähr lahn 2020