It is quite variable in coloration, but usually has a yellowish ventral side. How big do they grow? The main spawing grounds are in the Volga River, Ural River and the Danube River systems.Aquaculture has resulted in intentional and accidental introductions throughout Europe but no self-sustaining populations have formed. For more information about water quality see our Water Quality page.The Sterlet is is a potamodromous (freshwater only) species native to mainland eastern Europe and western Asia, inhabiting rivers draining to Black, Azov and Caspian Seas; Siberia from Ob eastward to Yenisei drainages. They are extremely interesting family of primitive fish and are quite distinct from all the other living bony fish. It is a common domestic species in the UK and Europe and an angling species all over the world. The sterlet (Acipenser rutheneus) is the commonest sturgeon, spending all its life in freshwater.
Sturgeon & Sterlet food and feeding guide.
For more information about treating your sturgeon see our Provide the best possible water quaility for you fish.
Sturgeon, (family Acipenseridae), any of about 29 species of fishes of the family Acipenseridae (subclass Chondrostei), native to temperate waters of the Northern Hemisphere.
A good fish for the beginner. It is from the same family of sturgeon as the Stellatus, Siberian, Italian and Diamond sturgeons.The Albino Sterlet is ideal for a pond due to the maximum size of 1m being reached only over a long period of time.Extra oxygenation in the summer months is essential. They also can go into caves. By signing up for this email, you are agreeing to news, offers, and information from Encyclopaedia Britannica.Be on the lookout for your Britannica newsletter to get trusted stories delivered right to your inbox. Acipenser aleutensis Fitzinger, 1836 (ambiguous synonym)Acipenser jenisensis Herzenstein, 1895 (ambiguous synonym)Acipenser ruthenicus Brusina, 1902 (ambiguous synonym)Acipenser ruthenus brevirostris Antipa, 1909 (ambiguous synonym)Acipenser ruthenus ruzskyi Johansen, 1946 (misspelling)Acipenser sterlet Brusina, 1902 (ambiguous synonym) sterlet (Acipenser ruthenus) is a common Eurasian species of sturgeon, one of the smaller species of sturgeon. Use an oxygen test kit to make sure there is enough oxygen in the water.
It is from the same family of sturgeon as the Stellatus, Siberian, Italian and Diamond sturgeons. It is more abundant in the rivers of Russia. Do not assume that there is plenty of air just because you have an air pump running. The colour is dark brown to grey, sometimes with a dark green tint on the back, with white fin edges and belly.
Avoid strong chemical treatments such as formalin/formaldehyde, Potassium permanganate, Copper sulphate or any treatment that states not to be used with Golden Orfe (Leciscus sp.) Many things can affect the amount of dissolved oxygen in the water so testing is the only way to be certain. They also can go into caves. Provide the best possible water quaility for you fish.
It lives in the basins of the Black Sea, the Sea of Azov, the Caspian Sea and the Baltic Sea. Sturgeons need to be fed all year round, they need 2-3% of their body weight of good quality food per day in the summer, less in the winter.A healthy sturgeon diet must contain a high level of animal protein, sturgeons need a minimum protein content of 40% and an oil level of 15% or more.
Sterlets will rarely go for prey larger than 10 centimetres.The Sterlet (Acipenser ruthenus) is probably the slowest growing and therefore the best species for the garden pond.
Virtually any topic for the virtual learner. They also feed on newborn and young sterlets. Number of bids and bid amounts may be slightly out of date. Shop with confidence.
They are slower growing and a little smaller, reaching a maximum size of 1m, but otherwise share the same characteristics of the normal coloured variety.Sterlets can be kept in ponds of 1,000 - 2,000 gallons (4,500 - 9,000 litres) for many years but bigger is better, 2,000 - 3,000 gallons (9,000 - 13,500 litres) is recommended if you want to keep the fish into adulthood.Sturgeons DO NOT, as some people would have you believe, eat banket weed or 'clean the bottom of the pond'.
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