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So it is perhaps not surprising that this 593lb monster fetched a good price on Japan’s fish market.

05 Jan 2019 09:11 GMT.

The $5.3 billion enclosed, air-conditioned facility at Toyosu is a far cry from the grime and grit of Tsukiji, which served as the city’s main fish market for 83 years.

In the case of Bluefin Tuna, it’s also the same.

These are typically Bluefin caught off the East Coast. "The tuna looks so tasty because it's fat and (looks) very fresh.

Bluefin meat prepared in sushi bars, can cost as much as more than $90 a piece. The valuable and vulnerable fish tipped the scales at 612 pounds (278 kg).The president of sushi restaurant chain Sushi-Zanmai said he was startled by how high the price went but not dissuaded from topping the record.

Leading website on Tuna Industry News, daily keeping tuna professionals up-to-date on the dynamics of the global tuna business, Tuna trade prices, Tuna species, research, sustainability issues, market developments, political and trade issues, product innovations How Much is Bluefin Tuna Worth? The Atlantic bluefin tuna is a species of tuna in the family Scombridae. if you’re looking for the leanest part of the Bluefin tuna, the “red meat” or Akami is the right part for you. Saturday’s high bidder, Kiyoshi Kimura, the self-styled “King of Tuna,” runs the Sushi Zanmai chain of restaurants. It automatically follows that a better-tasting fish fetches a higher price.Another factor that contributes to flavor and therefore, affects the pricing is how it was caught. The first tuna auction of the year at Tokyo’s new fish market set a high bar on Saturday after a restaurant chain paid a record price — more than $3 million — for a giant bluefin tuna. The meat here is a lot firmer than O-toro, although it has an O-toro in it; just lesser.

this part is found right behind the tuna’s head and is considered a medium grade type of Akami.

Renowned restaurateur Kiyoshi Kimura of Sushi Zanmai sushi chain was always in the same spotlight as his priced Bluefin tuna purchase every year at Tsukiji Fish Market in Tokyo; thanks to his ridiculously extravagant spending for the first Bluefin tuna of each year.Below are some of his yearly achievements, which includes the According to Statista, the average cost of tuna in the U.S. in 2018 was At Browne Trading, a 3-lb cut of Maine Bluefin Loin costs $100.00 or $33.33 per pound. On the other hand, a 3-lb cut of Maine Bluefin Toro costs $115.00 or $38.33 per pound.There are basically three types of Bluefin tuna in the market, namely:It is a predatory Bluefin tuna, common in the waters of the Northern Pacific Ocean. This part can be found from around the midpoint of the ventral fin up to around the midway of the anal fin or just right after the O-toro section. He paid 333.6 million yen, or over $3 million, for the 612-pound bluefin, a value of around $4,900 per pound.The tuna was taken to one of his restaurants near the old fish market, according to a The bluefin tuna, one of an endangered species, was caught off Japan's northern coast, according to The species, the world’s largest tuna, can live up to 40 years but has become critically endangered in recent years because of overfishing, according to the World Wide Fund for Nature. But, hey, whatever floats your boat!

Find out what's happening in the world as it unfolds.Kimura's purchase doubled the previous record of 155 million yen, set at the 2013 annual New Year's auction. It is also the cheapest part of the fish of all. An estimated 80 percent of the world’s catch of bluefin tuna goes to Japan for use in sushi and sashimi, and the country has Japan’s ‘King of Tuna’ Pays Record $3 Million for Bluefin at New Tokyo Fish MarketThe staff at Sushi Zanmai showing off a cut of the record bluefin tuna on Saturday.A Japanese restaurant paid over $3 million on Saturday in a record auction at Tokyo’s new fish market.

Japan's sushi king pays record price for bluefin tuna. Oh gosh! Bluefin tuna’s highest quality part is called O-toro.

Supply and demand in certain places also affect the prices. Threatened Bluefin Tuna Sells For $3 Million In Tokyo Market Sushi chain owner Kiyoshi Kimura purchased the 612-pound Pacific bluefin tuna at auction.

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