warthunder psn store

warthunder psn store

Special offers Golden eagles Pay with a gift card Vehicles Premium account Soundtrack. The Premium account included in the PlayStation Store packs is not transferred to the PC version. Kiwi Battalion -NZL*- Kiwi Battalion -NZL*- Gaijin.Net Store ; Main; ... War Thunder . The Premium account included in the PlayStation Store packs is not transferred to the PC version. | #PS4 War Thunder Always have your current name, always have to use the playstation store for purchases, and always have to wait until the packages come out on the sony store to buy new things.


The posts to this topic are a little bit older, therefore I have a few questions: These packs below will be removed from the Gaijin store and PlayStation Store after the sale.

senses that i have not gotten a email by war thunder that i have linked my email to my ps4 account so i dont known my given password.

senses that i have not gotten a email by war thunder that i have linked my email to my ps4 account so i dont known my given password. You will now be returned to your previous in game screen.Note: If you already have a PC Gaijin account you can't use the same email address again.

This email also provides you with a randomly generated password.

This email confirms you have successfully registered a Gaijin account with the email address you entered and linked it to your PSN account. Star Conflict . Only Gaijin admin or Sony could answer that and due to corporate NDA's I can't see that happening. Join the battle by land, sea and air in the next generation combat game.Plunge into combat against thousands of other pilots, tank commanders and naval captains in the World War II game with an incredible level of detail.

And also i dont have a email binding bouttin on my ps4 account any more.

FAQ. You must contact support to resolve your issue.How would I play with what I have on my PC on the PS4?At present you can't. War Thunder ist ein MMO-Spiel der nächsten Generation, das sich mit Militärluftfahrt, Panzerfahrzeugen und Flotten des Zweiten Weltkriegs befasst. These packs below will be removed from the Gaijin store and PlayStation Store after the sale. What Edward did was linking his PS4 to wrong email or something like this.

1. Kiwi Battalion -NZL*- Kiwi Battalion -NZL*- Kiwi Battalion -NZL*- Back to top Aircraft, ground forces and warships fight together in combined combat. Cookie-files This website uses cookies.

The Mighty Battle Rats [TMBR] War Thunder ist ein MMO-Spiel der nächsten Generation, das sich mit Militärluftfahrt, Panzerfahrzeugen und Flotten des Zweiten Weltkriegs befasst.Lade dir das "Ground Forces"-Erweiterungspaket ohne zusätzliche Kosten aus dem PlayStation Store herunter und genieße neue Spielmodi mit gepanzerten Fahrzeugen und einen Cross-Plattform-Multiplayer mit Gamern, die War Thunder auf einem PC spielen.
i know this is a old post and  all but i need some help  Yes it will.

Gaijin.Net Store ; War Thunder packs; To top.
Wings of Prey . You must use the credentials that log you into the forum under your PSN nickname.

$9.99 Pre-order - Somua SM Pack. As someone that bought XM-1 and then Leopard A1A1 L/44 on the first day they were available on PS Store for 59.99€ each I feel cheated by the way Gaijin creates this bundles, when for just 10€ more I could have gotten a bundle with both the tank and helicopter, instead of having to pay more 39.99€ to get the helicopters now. Zurück zum Seitenanfang

© 2020 by Gaijin Games Kft. You must use a different email address.An email has been sent to the email address you entered. If your nickname on the forums is not the same as your PSN nickname then those are the wrong credentials to enter into the PC war Thunder launcher.. And as soon as i finished putting my email down on the page i pressed enter. You can only play a PS4 account on PC. You cannot play a PC account on PS4. Latest news. War Thunder is a free-to-play, next generation Massively Multiplayer Online game, dedicated to World War II military aviation, armoured vehicles and naval fleets.Download the Ground Forces expansion pack at no extra cost from PlayStation Store and enjoy new game modes with armoured vehicles and cross-platform multiplayer with PC owning War Thunder gamers.

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