Jenny Elvers Sohn

Jenny Elvers Sohn

We retain the data for a maximum of 3 years after our latest contact with you and the data are solely intended for our teams.

By submitting this form, you consent to the use and conservation of your personal data for the purposes and duration mentioned above. To answer your question, as mentioned in the Disclaimer message before you bought the pack; servers are not online 24/7 at this time. It relies on a server technology that Novaquark has termed a The backstory of the game begins in the year 2027, with the discovery of a neutron star on a collision course for Earth's Human civilization had 498 years to develop a plan to leave Earth and find new planets to inhabit, and after centuries of research and development, several Arkships (extremely large and resilient space-faring vehicles) were built to carry millions of passengers in During the year 2510 the first Arkships began to flee the Earth heading towards different areas of the galaxy. In accordance with the applicable rules, you have the right to access, modify, delete any of your data and to request restriction of processing and portability of your data. Network Troubleshooting Login errors Where to download the game AVX instructions required to run Dual Universe Chameleon Dark 4.4 - ipsfocus (Default) Chameleon Dark 4.4 - ipsfocus - Alpha colors . These are the reasons why we decided to proceed differently: A lot of players expressed their interest in testing Dual Universe as soon as possible. Would you like to follow Dual Universe? In the year 12477 one of the Arkships, the Novark, arrives on the earth-like planet Alioth, planting itself firmly into the ground.The game takes place in a "single continuous, undivided universe" and is played in Dual Universe offers the potential of virtually unlimited The game world has been described as being designed to be a "wide-open, fully-Central to the game is the ability to remove (or add) matter to the landscape to harvest raw mineral resources, which in turn must be refined for use in various crafting recipes. Oops! Beta 1 Test Planning and Single-Shard Server Status.

The engine we use for the game, Unigine, calculates the geometry of these items—usually in the tens of thousands at any given time—using the computer’s CPU, and decides which are more important. Promise, we won't spam and you can unsubscribe anytime! The surface is frozen, and mainly composed of sandstone and other sedimentary rocks with deposits of iron and chlorides.A giant ravine and debris belt wraps around its equator. 705 posts. Promise, we won't spam and you can unsubscribe anytime! Can you pleasecontact us Still chugging along with more great community content No multi-server player separation, instances or loading times, just one enormous persistent universe that never stops. At release, Dual Universe will be free to download and then supported by a monthly subscription service.

The information you provide in this form are personal data. Find below the list of the next scheduled Dual Universe Beta 1 tests.

Please keep in mind that test duration could sometimes be extended or reduced right after a patch deployment. The current Supporter Packs are for players willing to financially support the project and join our game in … There is a large crater scarring its surface from a hypervelocity kinetic impact.A terrestrial world with a trace atmosphere of methane and ammonia. We call it the continuous single shard. Please keep in mind that test duration could sometimes be extended or reduced right after a patch deployment. Invalid email address. Dual Universe is a Single-Shard, Sandbox, MMORPG space game taking place on hundreds of planets, focusing on emergent gameplay with player-driven economy and politics. Here’s what will be available to you once Beta arrives on August 27th The surface is made of deep "seas" of silica dust that periodically swirl into global sandstorms. Would you like to follow Dual Universe? The exchange of harvested goods is governed by a The game was revealed in May 2016 in its pre-alpha state, with the subsequent release of a brief The community site for the game launched in July 2016, allowing players to form As of May 2018, the game has been in a feature freeze to focus on server and client stability, until later in the month when a new build is planned to be released that will introduce resource scanning and mining, trading, and a revamp of piloting mechanics.Despite the game currently existing in Alpha since 2016, a large multi-organizational community has existed outside the game world, attracting members from other longstanding

In the context of this form, the data will be used in order to send you newsletters and other marketing communications. Players can freely modify the voxel-based universe by creating structures, space ships or orbital station, giving birth to empires and rising civilizations. Hey there @smurfwizard, Welcome to the forums. I keep timing out in my log in ad getting error 0 when i try to play dual universe Dual Universe is the first game where potentially millions of players can interact together simultaneously, inside the same giant universe. You can find the next testing session on the front page of the website at the top: 

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Jenny Elvers Sohn 2020