Soviet tanks. ISU-152K Incoming & Progetto 65 NerfsInterested in the IS-7 and Russian tanks? This is why if you can keep your armor pointing at the enemy and also prevent them from hitting the lower glacis you almost becoming immune to all incoming shells. IS-4 Vs. IS-7 - posted in Heavy Tanks: Hello everyone!
DEIN PANZER!“ Beachtet, dass die Frontpanzerung dieses Fahrzeugs spitz angewinkelt ist. Outside of a crew of 1 commander only, 100% crew is a fiction.
World of Tanks on Console — KNOW YOUR WAR! The IS-7 when played right can soak up a ton of damage for your team while also helping to push the enemy backwards without taking much damage in return. This World of Tanks IS-7 guide will help you understand the tank and also what tactics to use while playing it. Wenn ihr also einem Gegner gegenübersteht, dann winkelt euren Panzer nicht an, denn das gleicht damit den spitzen Winkel eurer Panzerung aus und schwächt euch damit.Um eure Leistung auf dem Schlachtfeld zu verbessern, empfehlen wir euch folgende AusrüstungZusätzlich sollten eure Besatzungsmitglieder die folgenden Fähigkeiten und Vorteile erlernen
Die Auswahl einer anderen Region kann die Inhalte der Website beeinflussen. Wenn ihr an der Front Druck macht, dann konzentriert euch auf langsame oder stehende Fahrzeuge. Knowing this you can conclude that the IS-7’s performance comes down to where you position yourself on the map and which enemies you engage.
This only works against tanks with less than 490 alpha since it requires the difference in damage for each round to give you the leg up on them.Alternatively you can fall back onto the IS-7’s armor to force their rounds to do no damage to you or for the enemy to stop shooting at your tank. If positioned behind a piece of cover which shields its lower glacis plate, it becomes a hardened object with so few weak points that successfully damaging the tank turns into a most frustrating experience.
Table of Contents.
If the enemy then raises their gun up, straighten your tank out to make them bounce off of your strong upper glacis, and if they keep aiming low keep the frontal armor angled.
The IS-7 rewards players who can cover up its flaws since itis only held back by a few issues that can be looked over with a bit of planning.The IS-7 equips the 130mm S-70 gun which packs a punch with 490 damage per AP/APCR round.
If they are pointing low then you will be taking damage since they are aiming at your lower glacis and if they are aiming high then most likely they are aiming around your gun where the armor is flat.
The remaining hull armor is extremely tough and the frontal turret is immune to most shells as well. 10 Year Anniversary Event Possibilities & SuperTest UpdateWoT’s New?! Sustainability of said damage is difficult, though, due to the aforementioned long reload and aim times. Download the online World of Tanks game (WoT) from the official website for free and install it to your computer This is a balancing factor since without it the IS-7 would be as fast or faster than many mediums, have fantastic armor, and a hard hitting gun. Prototypes successfully underwent trials in 1946 and 1947, but the IS-7 never saw mass production. The Soviet Army's armoured vehicle directorate was very unhappy about the vehicle's weight for two reasons. The crews were unhappy with the internal layout, which was extremely cramped even by Soviet standards.
Diese Ausgabe des „Oben an der Spitze“-Specials wird euch sicher etwas bekannt vorkommen.
MMO-action about World War II tanks. The first prototype of the IS-7 was ready for testing in 1948.
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