warframe komorex

warframe komorex

Single target damage isn’t very high, and the slow rate of fire means you cannot stack enough status procs to make it matter much there either. Whoever designed it is the best! And that is pretty much all I wanted to say. I eventually settled on it after building for Corrosive, but the weapon just doesn’t do enough single target damage to make it matter against heavily armored foes, and you can’t stack status fast enough to really reduce the armor to any great degree. Advantages: 1. Komorex Build. Warframe Tier List - Komorex by sakai4eva, last updated on Apr 13, 2020. However, once you jump to the 3.5 times zoom the weapon gains 100% of its base damage as a Viral explosion with a 3-meter radius, and you lose 75% of your fire rate. Any Mods referring to Self Damage will be converted to acknowledge Stagger. The low ammo count means you need to move a lot, and the low projectile move speed makes headshots a little awkward. Though this build is mostly for Grineer and sometimes Infested.And for the Corpus and Infested as well, I use Malignant Force, Thermite Rounds, and Infected Clip for lots of gas. Warframe Blog. The Cyanex is an Amalgam autopistol produced by the Corpus that incorporates Sentient technology in its design. Today I’m bringing you a quick review of the Grineer assault rifle called the Argonak. Purely building around that isn’t recommended though, because the high status chance is just too good to not be used. After that I tried a build that really went into Viral, using Primed Cryo Rounds to try and bump the viral damage.
You should also know that you should mostly use your second (3,5x) zoom mode, which not only gives you extra damage, but also a blast radius – so play accordingly and make sure not to kill yourself accidentally with your own weapon.Another important information is the fact that you get innate viral damage on your second zoom mode, so if you want to add elemental damage, think about increasing your viral damage output. Great !

This is no longer accurate after continued testing. If you like warframe-builder.com and would like to support me, give me a hand or return the favor for the five years I worked on this app (not sure it's a good way to say it, I've always been bad for asking help), please consider trying my kinetic novel, available on Steam. Zoom in to reduce recoil and add punch through. Those builds, of course, not the only way you can build the Komorex. Though you have to be kind of careful not to proc it on yourself since it really hurts. This ninja recovery window is indicated by a glowing FX on your Warframe. The degrees of Self-Interrupt start with a small stumble all the way to full knockdown depending on how close you are to the center of explosion. We are getting rid of Self Damage and replacing it with something else: instead of Self Damage, it’s now ‘Stagger’. Komorex Build. Largest magazine size of all sniper rifles. While the critical damage output is not the best (because of the low base damage), you still might want to try and use this hybrid build in different missions. The Cyanex is an Amalgam autopistol produced by the Corpus that incorporates Sentient technology in its design. The added blast damage is super strong, but playing a sniper rifle in indoor tilesets oftentimes feels clunky and problematic.

Today we’re going to take a quick look at our newest sniper rifle that was released with update 25 - the Komorex.Now, first things first, if you want to get your hands on the Komorex you will have to research it in the Energy Lab in your dojo. You could also go for more viral damage or simply add gas or corrosive damage against Corpus or Grineer units. He is beloved...You can obtain Harrow’s main blueprints in this quest. This means on the very outer section of the explosion Radius 10% of the Damage will be dealt. The Komorex is a new Sentinel/Corpus hybrid weapon introduced to Warframe in the Jovian Concord update.

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warframe komorex 2020