There are a number of enemies found in this room, but the bouncing enemy, known as a Take the tunnel and open the treasure chest here to get the This time take the tunnel that is to your left and then head down a screen.
Aginah's cave. You need to navigate your way to the platform in the center so you can reveal the switch underneath a skull. Only then can you proceed inside. Furthermore, if you die at the upcoming boss, you will appear here instead of the very beginning of the dungeon. Stand in the door way and let the floor tiles reflect off of the barrier the door makes, and the sealed door at the north will eventually open. Once you see your opening, turn northward and then westward, gliding your way to the doorway at the bottom left portion of the room.In this next room you can use the Pegasus Boots to quickly dash southward, defeating the lone enemy along the way. to light all four torches with the Fire Rod to open the door above. When the hole is blown open, go outside and to the other door, but don't go inside! Continue up and defeat the Hinox, preferably with the Hookshot or Boomerang. Chest #1: Compass; From the dungeon entrance, use the Cane of Somaria to ride north to the next room, then ride the platform you can create westward and take the south door to a new room. Nothing will work until you obtain the Super Bomb. When you are done, return to the room where you bombed the walls. Unfortunately, it's locked, and you don't have a key. Turtle Rock of The Dark World is part of The Legend of Zelda: A Link to the Past Walkthrough. In this room, take the right-hand tube and where you come out, go left into the next door. This Dungeon is unique in that its interior looks more like an incredibly extended cavern, instead of having a man-made architecture; likewise, the Cane of Somaria (previously won in Misery Mire) shows a new function here: it creates platforms that can travel across floating rails, which help Link to fully explore th… DON'T face the locked Be sure that you only step on the floor switch once.Get back on the moving platform and ride it to the far left part of the room, and then head southward to the southwest corner.
kill it. When the skulls are gone, defeat the Hokuboku that bounces around the room to receive a Back in the pipe room, take the one pipe tunnel in front of you to be deposited on the center island bearing a treasure chest. Be careful of the little black things that scurry out of the north hole, dungeon's treasure: the Mirror Shield! From the warp point, travel eastward a screen to reach the broken bridge.
Open it up and obtain the This next room may appear to be a dead end, but the map clearly indicates rooms to the north and east of you. Hit it three times, stunning it again if necessary. The difference is, there is only one question mark, and four torches in the room. by its brown head. Here you will find a cave which you previously were unable to reach, so head inside.Inside you will find four Goriya enemies. Be sure to lift the nearby pots to fill up your magic and then ride the platform northward. There are four torches in this room and you’ll need to use the Fire Rod to light them all. You are returned to the outside of the dungeon with hearts front of the Bubbles and go below to where there is a crystal switch. One or two bottles should do. Pulling one of the tongues causes bombs to rain from the ceiling while pulling the other opens the door to the room above. Go left past one blue line and hit the switch above. Use your boomerang to change the state of the block fences in order to progress closer to the top of the room until you reach the stairs. TURTLE ROCK ***** First, You go up and defeat the Vire. The bottom-right door to the right; an eye above it will shoot lasers at you if you do. At the top of the pathway, it appears like Link will just fall off a cliff, but there is a secret ledge. Step on the switch to open the shutter door on the very bottom wall. From the bottom of Step through the door to appear back outside.Re-enter the dungeon. The door will open, leading to a chest on a lovely blue Create a platform and travel to the left one stop and exit the door to the south. for a small key. There are wall eyes positioned along either side of the bridge and they will fire at you as soon as you pass in front of them. From StrategyWiki, the video game walkthrough and strategy guide wiki In the room above, you will find a fairy along with a skull that contains a full magic refill beneath it. Alternatively, use your sword and knock its body parts out one at a time. Use Magic Powder on the Anti-Fairies to get some extra health and then head down the stairs at the top of the screen.In this last room, use the Cane of Somaria on the question mark to create a platform. When the two heads are dead, Trinexx appears to Link will need to use the Ice Rod to hit the red head, which works in an identical fashion as the other head. Get off and run through the door. Board the platform and travel across to the opposite side and enter the room above. On this screen, grab the large rock and climb the steps. When you create a platform to ride on with your Cane of Somaria, you can direct the block in whatever direction you wish to travel from a question mark.
used on the blue head.
The services of the Faerie are often used, as the area is prone to damaging rock avalanches. The shell opened . Use the Once back here, use the Cane of Somaria again to make another block over the question mark.
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