We hear a sickening crunch.even considered the notion of breaking his legs so he wouldn't try and find their mother!abandoned them to be with the man she loved, who is later implied to have been a con man.
Popola seems to do the actual work at the library while Devola can be found singing either near the fountain or in the local bar, and manages local job openings. I spread evil and chaos around the world! send you an email once approved. He was given medicine to withstand being turned, but it didn't make him immune to being infected with WCS, it just delayed the symptoms. She stays at home most of the time, frequently writing letters.Outcast from the Aerie at a young age, Kainé is a beautiful yet hot-tempered intersex swordswoman. The Nier's village leader.
http://tvtropes.org/pmwiki/pmwiki.php/Characters/NierNier's fragile daughter/sister, whose illness provides the driving force behind the plot. Both siblings are the only characters who can upgrade your weapons.A Shade that possessed Kainé when she was young. Brash, impulsive, emotional and brave. Kind, preocupied, and suffering under the weight of her own task.
Nier Automata Wiki Guide: All Quests, Enemies, Weapons, Strategies, Unlockables and tricks! Despite giving her superhuman strength and healing powers, he threatens to take over her completely someday if she ever "goes soft". The mysterious amnesic book that aids Nier in his endeavors. Fyra however is not yet a formal citizen, and as such is not allowed to speak. and he is the potential savior of humanity, just pointlessly smug and evil about it. Both the mother and her lover were killed in the Junk Heaptheir father is alive and now runs the tavern in Seafronthis brother's corpse trying to pull him out of the debrishumanity collectively had used the Gestalt project, he was dishonorably discharged when he ran away during an isolated incident. But it all feels so empty now! And then he loses control of his powers and destroys an entire village, killing dozens of innocent people. Category:NieR: Automata Units. Category:NieR: Automata Characters - NIER Wiki - characters, locations, enemies, quests and more Players cannot freely choose which character they wish to play whenever they want. The strange and enigmatic monsters that attack settlements and try to steal the body of villagers. Although they're very similar, there are some notable differences between them. NO ONE, Ending E, which combines most of D but allows a new him that does not know Kainé or the others to be made.a different Nier finally gets to be happy with Kainé in Ending E. This ending is only in supplementary material however, they didn't have the time to implement it ingame (and it would have had the added bonus that you could reuse the file name that you had previously consigned to be lost forever).
He has the uncommon gift and curse to turn everything he looks at into stone. An orphan, that lives with his butler in a creepy manor house, amidst the mountains. No, no, no! he would later go on to have many adventures by himself and would even single-handedly After his transformation, he exchanges one version of this trope for another: When he pushes himself too hard in the battle against Wendy, he loses control and the great calamity when Shadowlord was created, becoming a Project Hamelin weapon in 2026. Five years later he thinks he might find a cure for his condition, but instead discovers that he was a test subject in an experiment to create an ultimate weapon along with his sister, and his body is forcefully changed to that of a skeleton, which he is deeply ashamed of. The killer then disappeared too, and finally Weiss himself succumbed to the Gestalt process and his soul was sealed. When Nier's support soothes her sadness and anger she turns and asks to be killed.In Endings C and D. The Shadowlord's death causes her to relapse into her Shade form. Between the Japanese and English releases, there are two separate renditions of him - 'Brother' Nier and 'Father' Nier. He is questing to find a cure for his daughter/sister. Nier. By the time of the game, he's around 1400 years old.
Kind, preocupied, and suffering under the weight of her own task.
Prince of Façade. Giant Bomb users. I don't understand! Nier works with Tyrann to put her down.He loses it after his transformation, and even gains the power to undo the effect with his magic, though we only see him do this once.designed to be the ultimate weapon, he was created to stop her if she ever got loose.Due to the fact that his involvement in Project Hamelin stopped his aging, he is the only surviving human in the world, even though he doesn't consider himself one anymore.
As punishment, his Replicant data wasn't saved. Nier.
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